I've done a lot (LOT) of research on how to get the "untouchanbles" out with out causing them to pull away from you. I have considered becoming an exit counselor and am looking for someone to test my research on. In the meantime, here is what I have formulated by hearing other expert opinions: (so their not really my ideas) Fake that you need a bible study. They would be de-lighted to assist you. Admit to them, as they know, you have struggled lately with doubts and you wish they could assist you because they are the only ones you feel "comfortable" with right now. The study? The history of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Tell them that the problem you have is all the changing "light" and unfulfilled prophecies. Use THEIR literature, and make sure you are PREPARED for each study. Question question question and they will not have the answers. The older books are excellent and can be purchased online and are worth the cost (I can see the commercial now, book- $20, old magazines, $15, pulling your family members out of a cult- priceless) The old revelation book is excellent (1930s i think) and so are the old Divine plan of the ages series) I have lots of refrences for you if you do decide to try this and can assist even any way possible wether through internet or phone. It will be a long, grueling process but I guarantee that you will instill doubt in their mind. And in addition to that, they will understand where your coming from. Have both of them there, maybe with you and your hubby. And about the meetings, my opinio is who cares? its not like your going to get sucked in!!! Once you see the "real truth" the BS they feed you is so apparant. If it will save your family, why not? But nothing excessive here. If you really really want this, you can do it. But it will be sneaky, it will be frustrating, and it will be time consuming. IN the end, you could never tell them what you did either because they would feel utterly deceived. It has to seem like you discovered all this together but you had doubts for awhile.