It is with the sincerest of gratitude that I thank so many of you on JWD for giving donations to my new medical electric scooter.
It arrived two weeks ago from South Carolina, and I must tell you it is beautiful and full of kinds of bells and whistles. It is just perfect as perfect can be. The colours is a light metalic bluish/silver tone.
I in particular thank PEC,( Philip) Barbie Doll (Barbara) for your extreme generosity in making this possible. The times we spoke over the telephone, Not knowing really what you look like but knowing the kindness of your hearts.
For all you other beautiful persons and you know who you are I am so overwelmed and lost for words for your generosity and kindess acts of loving kindness. Your names come into my head almost everyday and when I am on the scooter. Such wonderful human beings who don't even know me from a hole in the head and you gave unselfishly in love, and this will never ever be forgotton. Another special friend who dontated twice you are truly a marvelous person. You all are special to me. I thank God for you all. And my wish is that God bless each and everyone of you as well. The word thank you just doesn't seem adequate enough but believe me I am thankful from the bottom of my heart I am .
You are what makes me believe in the goodness of humanity and alturism.
I am the talk of the town now. Not many people have seen such a fantastic medical scooter before. So you see whenever someone stops to speak with me it give me the oppourtunity to tell the story of some very wonderful and fanastic friends. Even a bank teller at my branch donated to the fund.
I just had to tell you all how I felt and will never forget any of you so long as I live.
As well I wish everyone on JWD a very Blessed Easter. May God grant each of you His grace for salvation Through Chirst our Lord.
all my love