I accept this condition is widesoread in varying degrees and concentrations amongst any general poulation!
But I think the awareness of it has the potential to seriously worsen, rather than cure it!
Here is why:
It is put forward that passive aggression is evident when an individual is unintentionally upsetting others without knoiwing they are doing so!
So the person who feels this will likely react negatively to the one unknowingly branded the aggressor and be even more confuse and withdrawn due to the utter lack of transparency and explanation given to help them see what is in evidence!
In fact the person claiming to be a passive aggression victim is now deliberately inflicting similar negatives on the unknowing individual!
And so the cycle will get worse and worse resulting in further withdrawal by the uninformed, confused individual and even more 'blame' by the claimed victim to the responses they see as further proof of passive aggression!
This is just one example of how psychologist babble infuses self fulfilling prophecies via its councel to the general public and further fuels conflicts rather than resolves them by giving advice in isolation and without a holistic vantage point!
It amounts to abusing unsuspecting others via recognised therapies, through family members, unaware of the negative weaving of influences that are being wound around all their goodwill by detached councellors branding some 'negative personas' and imploring family 'patients' to manufacture even more negative auras than actually were a reality until they set in motion subjective partially informed perspectives on what is in fact a whole life multi person dynamic!
So my absolute perspective on browsing this condition is that it potentially can be extremely demoralising in rejecting the most deep seated and well intended goodwill of an outsider, due to the counsel provided suggesting knowldege as proffessional advice which is way beyond their understanding, abilities or instruction!
I still recall a Chemistry lecturer, on warning the whole group of over 30, that he would ask specific questions about exactly what he had already instructed them to observe at the end of the hour session! The experiment was pretty straightforward and observation was simply asking for awareness and perspective absent jumping to unsubstantiated conclusions!
At the end of the session hardly 5 of the 30 could accurately respond to what they had just observe as correct and reasonable answers to what they just saw!!
So any counsellor advising any individual how to respond to extras in the life of that person is highly likely to seriously impact and screw up said others and a whole infrastructure, if their counsel becomes contageous in that circle of people in ways that are utterly absent the reality they perceived from the said patient!
In fact such negatives will set in cycle passive aggression to unsuspecting and confused others who will then begin to respond with classic symptoms of the same and maybe even more severe!
Any one experience what I'm talking about??