I came across this the other day and thought I would share with the board.
A paradigm is simply the way we as a society look at things around us. It is the sum total of our beliefs about the way things are. Unfortunately, things are not always what they seem. Our view of reality is often distorted by false information.
A well known psychologist by the name of Dr. Robert Anthony calls it "The Carbonized Crap Theory." It goes like this: "From the moment we are born, there's a bag of crap waiting to be put into our brain. As we hear ideas, crap is poured into our head and stuffed in there by authority figures. These are the people who have a vested interest in making sure we believe what they tell us. We hear it from our parents, teachers, we hear it in church, we hear it from big business, political groups, self-interest groups and, of course, the government.
They are all taking turns packing all this stuff into our head. Eventually, not too late in life, the crap they have been packing into our heads becomes so thick, it's impenetrable. And anything that is real or true doesn't get through. It can't get out and it can't get in because the crap becomes carbonized like a diamond, the hardest substance known, this forms a set of paradigms.
Once we decide to consciously change a paradigm, we start to get little cracks in the carbonized crap in our brain. We start understanding what is important, what is real. And if we keep at it, eventually we can penetrate through all the crap. But we have to be willing to challenge our beliefs. We have to challenge authority figures and those who want to control our lives.