At the advanced age of 53, I got braces on my teeth. The bummer is, my teeth are not even crooked. I still have two baby teeth (my eye teeth) and the permanent ones are still up there. So, as the baby teeth are falling apart, I have to have 2 years of braces (plus oral surgery) to fix this issue. They are actually going to try to bring the permanent ones down. Expensive, painfull and invconvenient. When the dentist first suggested this, I thought he was crazy. But I finally came to the conclusion that this is the best way. So I am a metal mouth.
I got braces on my teeth today.
by LisaRose 5 Replies latest jw friends
Its definitely a bummer, I image you are not eating too much today. Hard to believe that your 2nd teeth have not come down, but
strange things happen like even not getting some teeth that most people have.
OW! The first day hurts the worst. My daughter has them as she was a habitual thumb sucker! I get to skip one child and put them on the youngest in 10 years. Yuck!
Just remember to brush!
Goodness LisaRose,
I have to have 2 years of braces (plus oral surgery) to fix this issue. They are actually going to try to bring the permanent ones down. Expensive, painfull and invconvenient.
You certainly have a lot to go thru... I understand how that is, I have just completed a lot of extensive dental work, it was totally worth it.
I hope you feel the same when all is said and done... (((Hugs)))
horrible life
Ibuprophin is a life saver. Also take it 1 hour before your next ortho visit.
It will be well worth it. In 2 years, you will have a beautiful smile. Be sure to brush with a soft brush, NOT a med brush. Look down at the sink, NOT up at the mirror. Start on your back teeth, and brush in baby circles, letting the bristles get under the gums, working your way past your midline. When you get to those canine teeth, turn your head to that side.
Make sure your teeth are the cleanest, next to the tissue.
Be sure to look down at the sink, not up. That is the key to keeping braces clean. And No sugar gum.
I am proud of any adult that decides to go through ortho. You will not be sorry.
oh i think you are so lucky,,my btm teeth are so bad, crooked,,,,had braces as a child,,guess they went where they wanted to anyway:(