New Formula 1 season kicks off and we get ...

by Simon 8 Replies latest social physical

  • Simon

    ... coverage of it on the channel that advertises it in the listing as "Formula 1 Practice Session"?

    No, of course not. What could be more important?

    A review of some junior hockey tournament.

    For gods sake, WTF is wrong with this country?!?!?

    Looks like it will be a tough season for McLaren but I hope they can turn it around sooner rather than later. Mercedes still look like the team to beat though. Who knows if Ferrari have really made progress or were just flattering themselves in pre-season testing.

  • zed revisited
    zed revisited

    Long story short, the Merc's are dominant, with Ferrari a distant second. McLaren hasn't electrocuted anyone yet this weekend.


  • prologos

    The level of development of a society can be gauged by the sophistication of the tools they use.- even for sports.

  • Mattieu

    Albert Park is the best! As someone who stays up late at night for every F1 race regardless of the time zone (hello Canada, US & Brazil) its nice to have the 1st F1 race of the calendar season in my back yard, literally!

    Agreed, Mercedes look like front runners, though Vettel/Ferrari are holding back. But go Dan & Red Bull!!

  • Simon

    Daniel Ricciardo beat Lewis' time on the Top Gear trach "Reasonably Priced Car" competition.

    He's already won ... hard not to want to cheer for him, seems like such a nice bloke.

    coverage of it on the channel that advertises it in the listing as "Formula 1 Practice Session"?

    No, of course not. What could be more important?

    A review of some junior hockey tournament.

    For gods sake, WTF is wrong with this country?!?!?.....Simon

    Your In Canada Now..


    #1..There`s only 1 Real Sport,"HOCKEY"...........#2..There`s "No Problem" Beer can`t Solve..

    ...Image result for hockey.......................Image result for mug of beer

  • Simon

    I'm sorry, I tried. I watched Hockey. It just focuses too much on violence instead of skill.

    It is a lot like soccer was in the 70's where "hard men" kicked each other and people thought that meant excitement and passion. Fast forward 30 years and football is now a dominant sport because people want to see the skilled players be able to perform without being cynically hacked down.

    You also need a sport that attracts intelligent people and that you can both let your kids play and take them to watch.

    Until they clean the sport up hockey is destined to always be a minority sport.

    Ok, I'll go book my plan ticket home ...


    Until they clean the sport up hockey is destined to always be a minority sport......Simon

    LOL!!@Simon!!..Not in Canada!!..

    The violence is fine because everyone has a beer later..


    ................Beer Is Easier To Drink...............................With A Few Knocked Out Teeth..

    Image result for hockey player drinking beer.....Image result for hockey player teeth

  • konceptual99
    Fast forward 30 years and football is now a dominant sport because people want to see the skilled players be able to perform without being cynically hacked down.

    Now you can watch skilled players dive instead.

    And I love football....


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