It is my understanding that a married couple will meet again after Armageddon. What happens when one or both remarry after the death of one or both or several marriages, don't we have a poligimous situation?
Life after death
by Phil 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Was that understanding formed by reading certain scriptures, hoping, or listening to the speculations of a religious organization?
Some religious men asked Jesus a similar question in Mark chapter 12.
I really can't imagine what being like an angel would be like, can you? Maybe it's an experience better than anything we've ever known (and we still can be great friends with all of our previous spouses :)). -
Luke 20, 27 thru 36: However, some of the Sadducees, those who say there is no resurrection, came up and questioned him, saying: “Teacher, Moses wrote us, ‘If a man’s brother dies having a wife, but this one remained childless, his brother should take the wife and raise up offspring from her for his brother.’ Accordingly there were seven brothers; and the first took a wife and died childless. So the second, and the third took her. Likewise even the seven: they did not leave children behind, but died off. Lastly, the woman also died. Consequently, in the resurrection, of which one of them does she become [the] wife? For the seven got her as wife.” Jesus said to them: “The children of this system of things marry and are given in marriage, but those who have been counted worthy of gaining that system of things and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. In fact, neither can they die anymore, for they are like the angels, and they are God’s children by being children of the resurrection.
The Watchtower reasoning on this is clearly unscriptural as the Scripture they rely on is talking about the heavenly class.
The reasoning is that single people will not be allowed to marry. Resurrected people will not be allowed to marry. However, if husband and wife both survive through Armageddon, they will stay married. So there is going to be a world of billions of single people, and a few million married couples that survived Armageddon!!! How JWs believe the rubbish they are served by the Watchtower astounds me.
RESURRECTIONHOLDSFORTHNOPROMISEOFMARRIAGEOn the basis of Jesus’ answer to the Sadducees, some may be disturbed about his saying that there will be no marrying among those raised from the dead. They may even think that without marriage the resurrection is something undesirable, that it would not benefit them.
However, when reasoning on Jesus’ reply, we do well to remember that we are imperfect. Our likes and dislikes are largely conditioned by the things to which we have become accustomed. So no one really has any basis for being sure that he would not like the future provisions that God will make for the resurrected ones.
The reasoning on this has changed multiple times, and it was once taught that those resurrected would be allowed marriage in the New System.***w6710/15p.638QuestionsFromReaders***
While not being callous to their sincere feelings, we must admit that apparently Jesus’ words apply to the earthly resurrection, and they indicate that those resurrected will not marry or be reunited in a marriage relationship with former mates.*** w5610/1pp.603-604‘HeThatMarriesNotDoesBetter’*** MARRIAGEAFTERARMAGEDDON 19 As far back as 1885 TheWatchtower has assured its readers that human marriage will continue after the battle of Armageddon has destroyed this old alien world and will continue as long as God sees fit according to his original purpose for this earth "to be inhabited" with his righteous earthly sons and daughters. Death cancels the marriage bond. Armageddon will not cancel the marriage bond of those married witnesses of Jehovah who survive it together, any more than the global flood canceled the marriage bond of Noah to his wife and that of their three sons to their wives. But after they had come out of the ark of survival and had renewed Jehovah’s worship in the earth, he blessed them and said to them: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth." Noah had already borne the fruitage of three sons, and now those sons were commanded to become fruitful, each son by the one wife that he had. In that prophetic drama Noah pictured the Everlasting Father Jesus Christ and Noah’s wife pictured the spiritual bride of Christ. 20 After Armageddon the couples surviving will continue in their marital union. Others surviving in a different state, widowers, widows, virgin men and virgin women, will be privileged to marry. Whether there will be an imbalance between the available men and the available women surviving need not worry us now. Marriage then will be regulated by the Everlasting Father whom Jehovah God uses to fight the battle of Armageddon and to bruise the great Serpent, the wicked marriage disturber, in the head. So the Everlasting Father Jesus Christ will have redeemed his earthly children through Armageddon just as much as Jehovah redeemed Noah and his family through the Flood and as Jehovah redeemed the Israelites out of Egypt and through the Red Sea. As all those redeemed ones belonged to Jehovah God, so all the Armageddon survivors will belong to their Redeemer Jesus Christ. As Everlasting Father to his earthly daughters he will give in marriage whomsoever of them he pleases and to whomsoever he chooses. That way there will be no poor selection of mates, and no one will experience a disappointment after marriage.
*** w61 3/15 p. 185 par. 17 Parents, Safeguard Your Child’s Life with Accurate Knowledge ***
Standing now at the threshold of Jehovah’s new world, many youths may want to postpone marriage until after Armageddon, when selection of a wife will be made under righteous conditions and when marriage responsibilities will be carried out with none of the distractions that now plague mankind.
If you read my posts they bear the testimony we must be living in the final years of the present evil world order. The understanding of the Bible has increased immensely in the last 34 years.
Life in the Paradise will be the continuation of the present life on earth under much better conditions. All people wil live on this planet earth.
Christ and his 144000 menservants ( they all men) will constitue the one-world government on earth.
Psalm 128 assures each God-fearing servant will be blessed with a wife and children . Not all married in this life as some remained or remain celibate but the promise of God must be fulfilled.
Matthew 22.30 is one of the most twisted or misunderstood verses in the Bible !
Isaiah 28.9-10 is giving a principle how the Bible should be interpreted. And Matthew 13.11,34-35 speaks that Jesus was speaking in parables which cannot be understood unless explained .
Jesus was speaking about his great servants who are like men as sons of God but at the same time these same servants are women when seen as Christ's collective bride spiritually.
These great servants ( from the class of 144000 chosen few ) are men and women and the same time, spiritually speaking .They all believed in Jesus and by that they became married to him spiritually. In the future Paradise they will be no need for them ,that is ,for these " men and women " to marry ... to Jesus as they had done so by believing in him already when they lived before the second coming of Jesus.
Men and women will not marry - these great servants are as men and women at the same time ! They will not marry ... to Jesus .
So Jesus could say men and women will not marry . He was not talking about men marrying other people called women but he was speaking spiritually about same small group of his disciples who as "men and women simultaneously " will not marry him spiritually. His words ,then , have nothing to do with the physcial marriages that will continue throughout the eternity.
New people will be born in the future Paradise if need be ,so the balance between men and women to be in marriages will be easily uphold.
I myself- as God- fearing man ,being celibate- expect to have a very beautiful wife in the Paradise and to have sexual relations throughout the eternity. If my wife falls away -say 1 000 000 000 years later-God Yahweh will easily provide me with the next wife as children will be born in the Paradise as long as there will be need for them.
The understanding of the Bible has increased immensely in the last 34 years.
The year 1974 AD was the 6000th year since Adam was created in 4027 BC. That was the year I changed my religion from catholic to being as an independent christian servant ; coming gradually by God's Grace and Provision with new understanding of the Bible which can bear the testimony we must be living in the times of the end as per Daniel 12.4 and 12.9.
I wrote about Matthew 22.30 which was commonly misunderstood for centuries .
I wrote about the creation story which was misunderstood for centuries that the universe according to the Bible is more than 15 billion years old which scientists could agree with and that the evolution is compatible with the Bible if we see God Yahweh working behind it.
I wrote about the resurrection body which was misunderstood for centuries.
Do you have doubts that God Yahweh reserved the best understanding of the Bible for the very end-time era ? And what is happening with the understanding of the Bible is from God ?
I myself- as God- fearing man ,being celibate
Obves, Maybe if you solved that problem now rather than waiting for the future, you would come up with a different religious view as well.