Is the whole psychology framework a judging one?
Many categories lack impartial language and imply negatives to an excessive degree!
The frame of reference is one similar to religious ideologies in many respects!
I attempted something I rarely think of!!
I imagined several people I know whom are generally considered functioning personas within their circles of friends!
And I read some lists of characteristics to see if I could apply any to any of them!
I absolutely could, if I was to believe what I read, label many of them as possessing strong characteristsic of multiple disorders!
If any of them were isolated from groups of friends etc, it could easily be seen that they were in fact suffering a disorder when in fact they were victims of a situation - with many charactersistics already prevalent in their day to day operations as a self defending ambitious individual long before they became isolated and maybe reacted in a few odd ways due the stresses of such a change!
We all know how JWs used to undermine apostates to us when we were JWs and drop comments specifically guaged to do the same to any general public they meet if the subject raises its head.
So my point is that, although there may well be individuals whose 'heart condition' is absolutely defined by some lists of disorders, IMHO there are many who are completely wrongly stereotyped since the heart condition may be of empaths displaying similar chracterstics with no intent to harm anyone and be subject to frequent labelling and forced to defend their situation to critical and judging others who may well be far more like the narcissistic personas noone ever suspects them of being due to their well honed diversion tactics!
Psychology is a minefiled and to me it raises more problems than it solves and most likely empowers some who would be far batter placed in the patients couch !