Yup ItsJustMe same expereince!
I was not able to sit in on my husband's Judicial Committee but he was able to sit in on mine. I did have a problem with this.
But, I had more of a problem with the fact that I had been dragged in there little over 3 months pregnant. These men (two of whom are virgins, let alone "family" men) expected to be able to judge my frame of mind to accertain whether or not I was repentant. My hormones and emotions, as you can imagine, were all over the place!
Add to that - the fact that my husband at the time was drinking, smoking, going to night clubs - and had been counselled several times on this. I hadn't. I behaved myself and stayed in. And yet, I was tarred with the same brush. His behaviour indicated to them that he wasn't repentant and so they chucked me out too for good measure.
Bloody glad they did really. My son won't grow up as brain dead as I did!
Elders don't like women with brains, especially if they are connected to the mouth. Don't you agree?