Moving to Georgia

by rwagoner 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • rwagoner

    I know that I only post in spurts but I try to read the board as often as I can.

    My family and I have finally had enough of winters in New England and will be moving to Georgia.

    The wife is having better luck getting work than I am but I know I'll find something and house doesn't

    look like a problem at all.

    We'll be ending up in the Gwinnett or Fulton County area.

    I'll keep you posted on the move and would love to connect with anyone in the Atlanta area once we get there.


  • hillbilly

    Waves at Randy1

    With your background you should hook up a job down south. Did you retire from your gig in New England?

    Good luck


  • Priest73

    Just make sure you learn to pronounce Gwinnett correctly. Its a dead Yankee give away.

  • dawg

    If you move to Gwinett of Fulton, I hope you love traffic. I wouldn't live in either of those two counties if you paid me.

  • rwagoner


    26 years with the Police Department and 18 years running my disability/ADA Business. I'm hoping to make the ADA work fulltime since if I stay in E911 I'll start back at the bottom of the pile as far as working nights and weekends.

    Looks like the wife is getting a good job though so that will help. We'll see.

  • rwagoner

    Yeah...we hear that Dawg.

    We've been down a couple of time to look around.

  • mouthy

    You could look up Ray F....Good luck on the move

  • dawg

    If I was going to live in Georgia, there'd be only two places I'd consider... I live in one of them, that's Athens... the other is Savannah. If you're from New Hampshire, I've traveled there often, it doesn't have as big of cities as Atlanta. If you've lived in big cities and that's your bag, Atlanta is for you.

    Man, I'm telling you, Atlanta sucks the big one. If you're looking to live in a big city then its your place, but if you want Southern charm, you don't want to live in the ATL. People in the ATL aren't Southerners. I always hear Northern people come to the Atl and say "I thought you Southerners have hospitality".. yea, we do... it's all the Northerners that moved to the ATL that changed it's personality.

    I'm not trying to knock my native state, but it's ruined for the most part. Even Athens sucks a bit because all the students aren't natives; they're just a bunch of rich pricks that act like they're owed something. Good thing about Athens, it has everything a big city has with no, and I mean no traffic except on game days. 15 minutes outside of Athens, that's the country, and it's beautiful! And if you live here you won't be bothered with that, because you'll be drinking and going to the game yourself! It's awesome! SEC football, you yanks have never even begun to see the likes of that! You'll love it if you love football.

    The North has it's charms, I love the Northeast, especially NE. The charm of the South is the weather and the people, as long as you're not in Atlanta. All winter months has weeks of comfortable weather, snow maybe once or twice a year, and then you'll really laugh your ass off... wait till you New Englanders watch our redneck asses drive in the snow, that'll give you a howl. If it snows a half inch everything closes!

    We like to sit on our front porches, drink a glass of Bourbon,and shoot the shi% with the neighbors. And for the record, I've never known a Southerner that has had sex with their cousin, nor are there many that hate other races. We all get along pretty well for the most part.

  • jaguarbass

    Fulton is Atlanta, thats where my families from. I tell my wife I want to move there when we retire from living in Florida.

    Congratulations I am aware of less problems in Georgia than there are in Florida.

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