A family I know left the JW's two years ago, but their JW family thinks they are still in. The JW family insists to the point of forceful anger on paying for their convention trips every year. Family feels trapped and cannot tell JW family that they don't go anymore because one member is powerful elder. Family is angry for being trapped like this and pressured to attend at JW family's orders. So...they "plan" for the convention and accept the money to keep JW family pacified. Does that make Family bad? JW family feels like all powerful mafia. What would you do?
Embezeling from JW family
by White Dove 7 Replies latest jw friends
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
If they need to continue the ruse of being active, and they tried to refuse or return the money on the basis of pride and the 1st party wouldn't accept it, then oh well I'd say. They are not the ones living the lie.
I cannot imagine their circumsatnce - but I would refuse and take the heat! Just because I don't see how I could go along pretending, though it must be said that some situations can be very complex in life and have you in chains via your love for others and any perceived suffering PLUS the subliminal years of lingering residual FEAR that you may be wrong and incur wrath upon loved ones in spite of giving up on yourself!
WT know about this and milk it out of faders for the advantage of ones still in!
Are they passing out green? I'll take it.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I can see the spot they're in. For my wife's sake I don't make waves. If it were me, I would pocket the money and stash it. Then if they do tell them about it, they can wait for them to say...WE PAID FOR YOUR DCs! Then I would pull out the cash and give it back.
This is gonna sound harsh but it's not meant to be. Sometimes....I'm simply amazed at the lack of balls so many people have. If you want out, get out. It can't be both ways, either you're in or you're out. Would you let the neighborhood bully push you around? If the answer is "Yes", well then....there's you're sign. If the answer is "No", then why let your family do it to you?
Grow some Kahuna's and walk away, really...it's not that hard.
they are "forced" to take the money so they can keep the secret that they no longer go to meetings? No one "forces" you to cash a check. If it bothers them, they can simply send the money back, without explanation, saying "thanks very much, however it isn't necessary."
They should "accidentally" schedule a non-refundable family trip to Disney during the DC. Take the money, and leave them thinking you might attend the following week or whatever. The JW family know the score, they only need a good story to tell their friends when asked where you are.