I got into this one after I left the WT.....O.K. O.K. I know I dont have all my marbles but you be careful also
by mouthy 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I got into this one after I left the WT.....O.K. O.K. I know I dont have all my marbles but you be careful also
Wow Grace, I'd heard of these groups and that they were a little 'on the edge' - I didn't realise they were that close to it!
I wonder if that Irvine guy had false messiah syndrome?
Ah everone wants to be the one true church...
Yah , how unique, a church that wants your money , never seen that before ....... (insert sarcastic smiley here )
heathen you are sooooo gonna get sent to your room now lol!
No sad emo. I am not going to send him to his room I am gonna tell him they wanted to give me a FREE Cottage. As Long as I was a woman preacher... It was a lovely cottage ,next to the BIG HOUSE!!!
Had a private plane on the grounds, a little stream, so lovely... But I didnt want to preach
Great then you can preach about how God is going to kill you and them if they don't give you their money . wink wink.
Naughty boy !!!Go to your room. See sademo is a prophet.!!!
This movement bears the marks of a cult it's sure: the authoritarian leadership, secondary matters that are elevated to positions of primary importance, an exclusive self-centeredness, that they alone are the people. How they have distorted the Gospel and the great commission, this is characteristic of cults, but can I shoot an arrow of warning across everyone's bow reading this? All of us are in danger of this. Walter Martin, who wrote that great book 'The Kingdom of the Cults', said this - and I think this is a tremendous statement, a cult is: “A group of people gathered around someone’s misinterpretation of the Bible".
Interesting points made, seems that cults are everywhere. I recall jokes in Fs about the 2x2's.