In politically correct America the wait staff on airliners are not termed stewards and stewardesses but rather flight attendants. After Joel Bear (no offense Joel, and I love you like a brother, but no more ) was the only person to name me as one of their crushes on a previous thread it reminded me of an event a few years back.
Six years ago I was living in an apartment in the Minneapolis suburbs. It was a decent place on a lake, with private gardens, underground parking, car wash facility etc. Most apartments were rented by couples with a few families with kids. In addition Northwest Airlines rented several apartments that were used by trainee flight attendants attending school at NWA's Minneapolis/St. Paul airport facility. I had an apartment with a balcony overlooking the pool and could frequently observe off-duty, bikini clad flight attendants sunning themselves around the pool.
One evening I took the trash out and walking back to my apartment I met one of the trainee flight attendants. We got talking about our countries of origin, our travels and work. The flight attendant asked me what I liked to do for fun when I was away on business. (Which is not much when I was working 14 hour days in the middle of Nebraska). Then I was asked whether I'd like to see the apartment the flight attendant and colleague were sharing. Despite the very friendly offers I declined and only then being the naive person I am did I realize that the interest was more than friendly hallway chat. It might have been different if not for one small detail. With all that young bikini wearing crowd there it was just my luck that it was a male flight attendant who was attracted to me!
'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'