Need help understanding Fiance

by kimbyrs 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kimbyrs

    My fiance says he is a Christian. Believes in God and that Jesus is his savior. He does not claim to be any religion, but his tendancies lean toward Jehovah's Witness. He told me he will not go into a church because they preach lies and they are houses of Satan. He was upset with me for giving blood and told me he would never do it. If his kids needed blood or die, he would know they would be ok. They would just have to die. Not celebrating Holidays and Birthdays is fine with me. He told me he would not try to change me, however he made a comment to my 6 year old about his toys not being cool, but he did say that my son was cool and everyday was his birthday. He mentioned something about the year 1914, that's when Jesus came or something like that.... what is that about?

    He gets upset with me because I think differently than he does. He has called off everything with me and him, told me to not call him or come over because I allowed my ex-husband to come to my son's birthday party. My ex-husband was invited but he wasn't. He wouldn't have come anyway. Is all this related to him being a JW? Can someone help me to understand his views? He told me he only wanted to change two things about me, my name and where I lived. He said I could decorate the house at Christmas, listen to holiday music, but he wouldn't participate. What is it about not Pledging Allegiance to the Flag or hating soldiers? Is that also a JW thing? Just trying to understand.

    He also won't pray with others. He prays and reads his Bible all the time. but not with others, he says they are hypocrits. Including my brother-in-law preacher and my other brother-in-law who is a Christian that likes to pray before meals. My fiance won't participate in group prayer. He is done with me I'm sure, but I'd like to understand him better if things work out between us. Please someone help me.

  • Hope4Others

    Some Red fags here for you that would indicate he was raised or was a jw.

    Although my concern is first for your child, he has a right to see his father and the fiance has no right to dictate

    over that. He needs to learn that children have the needs including being with a parent who does not live in the house.

    1. He was upset with me for giving blood

    2.Not celebrating Holidays and Birthdays

    3. comment to my 6 year old about his toys not being cool

    4. He mentioned something about the year 1914, that's when Jesus came or something like that

    5. He gets upset with me because I think differently than he does

    6. told me to not call him or come over because I allowed my ex-husband to come to my son's birthday party. My ex-husband was invited but he wasn't.

    (.This is extreme childish behaviour.)

    7. Pledging Allegiance to the Flag or hating soldiers

    8. He also won't pray with others. He prays and reads his Bible all the time

    All the points that you have made have jw written all over. As the fiance you deserve to know his back ground. Why do you just come out and ask him if he was a jw

    at one time, and if his parents are.

    Best of Luck


  • Casper

    Welcome Kimbyrs....

    He does not claim to be any religion, but his tendancies lean toward Jehovah's Witness.

    Thanks for sharing your story, "He" certainly sounds like either, he is a JW or has been one. How about yourself, have you ever been associated the Witnesses...?


  • kimbyrs

    Thanks Hope4Others,

    He was raised in a Christian environment where they celebrated birthdays, holidays and went to church. He said he out grew those fantasies when he turned 18 and learned the truth. He doesn't go to the Kingdom Halls or participate in anything like that. I know he believes that once you die, that's it until you're resurrected. I didn't know where any of this was coming from if he read his Bible and was a Christian. He's never admitted to being a witness but seems to have a lot of respect for them.

    I love him, but I don't know if I can marry him. He loves my boys, and my youngest sure does think a lot of him. We've been dating for 6 months and he's really wanting to get married right away. Although he did break up with me, he's done that before and I'm not sure how serious he is about it this time. I may just let him go and be miserable for a while. May be better than being miserable the rest of my life. On the other hand, he can be so sweet and caring. He said he would take care of me. But I know the smart thing would be to run. He just seems so extreme with everything. Little things that don't bother me are grounds for an argument or breakup. Oh well.

    Is someone here married to a witness but isn't one themselves? If so, how is that working for you?

    Thanks for letting me talk,


  • kimbyrs

    Hi Cas,

    I was raised, and still am, a Southern Baptist. He knows what I am and what I believe. I would never try to change him, and he said the same about me. I would not want him to try to influence me or my kids.... but I saw him doing just that with my son on his birthday. I had friends when I was young that were Witnesses. All I ever knew about them was they did not celebrate birthdays.


  • real one
    real one

    in any relationship you want to have someone that is compatible with you. When it comes to religion it is best to find someone that is the same as you. The Bible says to marry only in the Lord. God knows what he is talking about. If you are a christian make sure you marry someone that is one too. Jw claim to be christians but they are a diffrent kind then the mainstream christians. The behaviors you have described of your fiance sounds like he has studied with jw before but maybe not baptised into the religion. He does not sound like he has an open mind and that mess with your child is a no no. No one should be allowed to come between a child and their parent. you need to evaluate this man's importance in your life. is it worth it cause it sounds like drama to me.

  • Casper
    I had friends when I was young that were Witnesses.

    Thanks for sharing that, Kimbyrs... I was wondering how you knew of some of their beliefs...

    He sounds confused in some manner, maybe it would be best to just step back and give things more time before committing to anything. He also seems controlling... which is a major "Red Flag" to me.

    Yes, there are ones here that are married to witnesses, but are not themselves... I'm sure someone will be along soon to give you their thoughts on your situation.


  • Robdar

    Who cares if he was a JW or not? My question for you is, why would you want to be with such a grumpy man?

  • carla

    Sounds like you dodged a bullet to me. You only knew him for six months and were getting married right away? He is or studied with jw's at some point and you don't even know this about him yet you were going to marry him? What else don't you know about him? If he was watching your child for some reason and you were not available and an emergency happened would you be ok with him letting your child die for lack of blood?

    He has spared you a life of misery, be thankful.

  • Aleman


    Thank you for sharing your feelings with us and I think I have an answer for you.

    I will tell you the truth that the best bet is that he had studied before with a JW and he liked what he heard. I know this is difficult for you because of your feelings for him and your belief on God, but I believe that reading the Bible is a good thing, so is his feelings for you and your children.

    I would say to sit with him in a not so private area and have a heart to heart about his beliefs and his thoughts on God. Ask him questions and have him teach you without saying anything against his beliefs. Just listen, and when he is all done and you go your own way, put in perspective your belief system and his.

    If you think you two can work it out, then go to him. If you believe you can't, let him go.

    Faith is a part of you and you must always put God first. Men will come and go, but God is forever.


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