Why do they say every one of them all over the world believes the same thing, but then they'll say that they personally don't believe a particular aspect of the doctrine? For instance, my dubsband doesn't necessarily believe I'll die at the Big A.
by RebelWife 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Awakened at Gilead
Well, then he's condemned to die at the Big A since he's out of line with the FDS....
Maybe you'll both survive... Careful, it's coming soon (or so they say)...
Mrs. Witness
My JW thinks that Jimi Hendrix has a chance to be resurrected. He also "hopes" that I will be resurrected...
It's funny, because I tell him things I've read on this forum that seem to be standard JW rules/regulations/rumors/lore and he looks at me like I'm nuts. I wonder if he really doesn't know or if it's that spiritual warfare stuff.
Mrs. W, does he ever sing part of that Jimi Hendrix song about the Watchtower? Mine does. And he's done that same thing, where he looks at me like I'm nuts when I've brought up something I saw here. I've asked him if it says somewhere everybody except his wife will die.
It's called double minded thinking. I think it is part of the basic doctrine, so it can be added to anything in the beliefs, kind of like tobasco.
All the talk of new light gives each person a private space into which they can psychologically hide any hunches they have that they may be the only one who has worked out new light and mustn't tell anyone!
I recall lots of mutant ideas I started to work out to try and make 'personal sense' of the avalanche of ill logic coming at me under gods watchfull eye!
Weird really!
Oprah is right - let god outa the box or the genie outa the borrle! Rub hubbies lamp and your wish is hois command!
Why do they brag about unity when it is not voluntary, but forced?
If you do as I say your part of my club and i have 100% unity among my members.
If you don't do as I say.........then your out of the club...........and see, I have 100% unity!