My first was my worse, The people were home but didn't answer, They must have sent their dog out the back because after the second ring and of course at least 1 knock all of a sudden this huge dog came from around the side of the house. I was like no way, I could not believe my luck. I am not afraid of dogs but the Elder I was with almost S his pants. We were a good 30 feet from the car and the dog was between that. The guy walked backwards with his briefcase in front of him like he was giving it to the dog. Dog's I believe can sense fear so I tried to act as cool as possible but of course I wasn't comfortable.When we got back to the car the kids inside were pissing their pants from laughter. The homeowner had to have had one of the best laughs ever and now knows how to get rid next time. I never went out much cause I hated it and it felt so fake, but I'm sure some of you out there have some real good stories.
The Doors of Perception/ First and Worse
by Free 5 Replies latest jw friends
Dog's I believe can sense fear so I tried to act as cool
I really believe that, I was always afraid of dogs in the Fs, because you did not no what to expect. Little ones did
not bother me it was the large ones. Then I got my own dog, large and agressive (unfortunately) he was already trained that way,
after having him no dogs scared me. Of course I no longer went door to door at that time.
I didn't worry too much about the dogs (however, I did use them as an excuse to get out of going to that door). However, I worried myself sick when a call went on interminably, and it always seemed close to its conclusion only to bumble on another hour or more. And it always happened when it was very close for me to go in, and I got dragged to it against my better judgment.
Ohhh YEAH !!!!!!!!
Riders on the Storm
Backdoor Man
When the Musics Over
"I woke up this mornin and I got myself a beer" !!
"The futures uncertain and the end is always near."
Sorry about the spelling error on the topic. I suck at grammar. Worst = Bad in the greatest degree, Most evil state or degree, In the most unfortunate case.
Worse = Bad or evil in a greater degree, More sick. ( According to the Follett Vest-pocket Webster Dictionary. )