Me neither. But the CO said so from the platform, so it MUST be true.
His "source" was this text:
For we do not wish YOU to be ignorant, brothers, about the tribulation that happened to us in the [district of] Asia, that we were under extreme pressure beyond our strength, so that we were very uncertain even of our lives. In fact, we felt within ourselves that we had received the sentence of death. This was that we might have our trust, not in ourselves, but in the God who raises up the dead. From such a great thing as death he did rescue us and will rescue us; and our hope is in him that he will also rescue us further. YOU also can help along by YOUR supplication for us, in order that thanks may be given by many in our behalf for what is kindly given to us due to many [prayerful] faces.
2 Cor 1:8-10
He said that possibly this meant that they were sentenced to death in the coliseum,
to be eaten by wild animals. (while they were preaching in Asia?) Also that Jehovah
possibly shut the mouths of the beasts, ala Daniel.
Strangly enough, all of these "possibly's" didn't keep him from
saying, two minutes later, "we today might not be facing vicious
animals like Paul did..."
Funny how in Paul's list of all of his near-death experences he
forgets to mentioned "danger from Coliseum beasts")
And I can just imagine that people in the hall will be effusing
on about what a great speaker he is to find such a gem in the
Bible they had never seen before.