Weird weather and the end

by JimmyPage 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage

    I was out in field circus on Saturday and the elder I was working with kept mentioning the weird weather patterns the world has been seeing. Now I know there is nothing in Bible prophecy about weird weather being a sign of the end. But if I were making a movie about the end of the world I would probably ramp up to the apocalypse with hurricanes, tornadoes, hailstorms, etc. Anyone else think the weather is getting weirder? And how is it JW's always claim "natural disasters" as part of the sign of the end? Earthquakes, yes, it's there. I'll give you that one. But natural disasters in general? And now the weather? Your thoughts please!

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I think we may be nearing the end of a processional cycle in which the age of picses ends and Aquarious begins. These cycles take thousands of years but when the planets begin to allign, avery rare occurence, the magnetic feilds in the earth will be severly disrupted. We are only seeing the beginning. It will be in full allinment on Dec. 21 2012. At this point you can expect, massive disasters and pole shifts which will summerge our contininent and Atlantis will resurface. The ancients knew all about this happening now. I really feel this has merit. I don't attribute it to the end times the bible pointed out however, because if a pole shift takes place, everyone will die. Sorry I'm not being very optomistic tonight

  • Hope4Others
    when the planets begin to allign, avery rare occurence, the magnetic feilds in the earth will be severly disrupted.

    I have read something to this effect on-line at one point, probably one of the many topics hubby brings up.

    Sounds interesting to research, I'm sure there are several sites to look at.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    There is nothing weird about our current weather.

    We have had similar patterns before and we will have them again. Maybe not in our lifetimes.

    Cults are not very fussy where they get support for their Doomsdays from and will use anything that supports them, no matter how debatable or dubious the data is.


  • SPAZnik

    A weird weather soundtrack certainly lends itself nicely to amplifying the mood for anyone with a doomsday fetish, err, focus.

  • Alpaca

    The weather is definitely weirder with respect to the relatively stable weather patterns that we've been used to for the past 200 years.

    It's the result of global warming. We can debate whether or not humans are responsible for the warming, but the warming itself is a fact supported by empirical evidence. Having said that, all of the climate change models predict more extremes in weather, more drought, more storms, more floods. All of the credible scientists who study this stuff say that we are just seeing the cusp of the changes right now. Once they are in full swing within the next 10 to 30 years, we are going to be in for one hell of a rough ride.

    Another thing worth noting is that a natural disaster is not a "disaster" unless people are affected. If a super-typhoon blows harmlessly at sea, who cares? It only becomes a disaster when it hits people who have not prepared or have inadequately prepared for the weather they are likely to experience. Hurricane Andrew was a perfect example of this when it hit South Florida in 1992. Homes that were built in the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s suffered little or no damage because they were built with hurricanes in mind. Homes that were built in the 80s and 90s got blown to pieces and people died because of the substandard construction.

    Doomsday proponents will always seize on things like the weather to support their theories about the end of the world. It has always been thus.....

    Cheers to all,


  • WTWizard

    You think it's weird now? Back in the First Dark Ages, the weather was much warmer than it is now. Then we had the Little Ice Age, where things were much colder than normal. We are actually at the end of that Little Ice Age, and getting closer to where we were during the First Dark Ages. The climate will stabilize at some point, and eventually reverse as we head for another ice age.

    This has been going on ever since the two Americas were linked. If that link were severed, then we would be in for permanent global warming because the Gulf Stream would not be shunting warm water off into Europe. It would accumulate along the equator, leading to more clouds in tropical regions and more evaporation. Which would trap the heat, eventually spreading toward the polar regions. Of course, the polar regions would be the last to warm up--while the tropics, directly under the clouds, would have a hard time cooling at night.

    However, once that Gulf Stream is cut off and with the water not able to circumnavigate the globe, it has nowhere to go but down. And up comes the colder water from the deep levels, cooling the planet. That would lead to less clouds, more radiational cooling, and more ice buildup near the poles. The ice would head south from the north pole (and north from the south pole). More snow means more reflection of heat back into space, which slows the melting. And most of the globe from Texas north or South Africa, southern Australia, and the southern part of South America would be snowbound. Until, that is, more carbon dioxide from natural sources boosts the atmospheric content to where global warming can melt the ice. And then we go back to normal.

    Yes, we are having weather that seems weird. But it could be worse--we could be at the beginning of an Ice Age or at the peak of a Warm Age. (Let's hope the Watchtower Society is not successful at plunging us into a Dark Age.)

  • cameo-d

    The Poles of the world did once change their situation, and were at first in another posture from which they are now, till that inclination happen’d [. . .] the earth chang’d its posture at the Deluge, and thereby made these seeming changes in the Heavens; its Poles before pointed to the Pole of the Ecliptick, which now point to the Poles of the Aequator, and its Axis is become parallel with that Axis [. . .] And I am apt to think, that those changes in the course of the Stars, which the Ancients sometimes speak of, and especially the Aegyptians, if they did not proceed from defects in their Calendar, had no other Physical account than this. And as they say the Poles of the World were in another situation at first, so at first they say, there was no variety of seasons in the year, as in their Golden Age’.

    The quotations given above suggest that both the tilt of the earth’s axis and the Biblical flood resulted from the same global tragedy.

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