Now Is The Time to Expose the WTS

by metatron 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    We have all been horrified and sickened by the recent report
    of a 12 year old girl being beaten to death.

    I really wish the Dateline story could be aired soon. I hate
    using the word 'opportunity' here but a real opportunity
    may exist to save other Witness children from the cruelty
    of the Watchtower Society and its extremism. This could be
    a perfect moment to expose the organization and its coverups
    of child abuse - both physical and sexual.

    Godspeed, Silentlambs


  • Francois

    The more the better, Meta.

    I'm about to turn blue holding my breath for the Dateline story.

    But you notice how the terrorism and air crash totally pushed the Chandra Levy/Gary Condit story right out of the news? Same with our stuff. I guess it's better to wait 'till our stuff can air and not be forgotten in ten minutes due to the noise level of the competing news.

    But I'm still with you Meta. The JWs need to be exposed for the low-key domestic emotional, psychological, sexual terrorists they are.


  • Billygoat

    I really do feel that with the 9/11 attack, everybody is much more concerned about innocent lives being victimized. I think if the story aired it wouldn't be lost. Maybe I'm just being too optimistic?


  • DazedAndConfused

    I have hope that Dateline will air this soon especially after last night's airing of the excorcism.

  • ISP

    Hi Meta...I would like to find out more about the family. If this guy was an appointed man...I think it will reflect very badly on the WTS.


  • ARoarer

    Hi Meta,
    This is a good time to expose the WT as a punishing, religion with many of the similarities in it's fundamentalistic rules directed towards women and children and men who want to protect them. People have their eye on the religious fanatacism that the Taliban enforced those to live by which was rooted in hatred towards those who did not submit resulting in death sentences. Local newspapers should be aware of the teachings that Jehovah's Witnesses teach against other religions. Intolerance is wrong, and religious persecution is wrong. The implied permission to hate all people is seen in the pictures of smiling faces looking at burning buildings, and churches seen in thier literature. Neighborhoods should know this fact just as surely as they should know a pedophile is allowed to come to thier doors.

  • silentlambs

    Before the end of the year according to my information. I believe the timing will be right and the truth will be made known.

    "If I feel in my heart that I am wrong. I must stand in fear even though my opponent is the least formidable of men. But if my heart tells me that I am right, I shall go forward even against thousands and tens of thousands."

    My heart tells me I am right.

  • avengers

    The Watchtower has to be exposed for exactly what they are.

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