New World Order, eh?

by Octarine Prince 4 Replies latest social current

  • Octarine Prince
  • Hope4Others
    B.C.'s transit police say they will continue Tasering "non-compliant" passengers, despite outrage over reports that the weapon has been used against non-violent fare evaders.

    They are way too free with the use of this, considering they killed a guy at the airport. I thought the inquiry would

    limit it's use big time.



  • kurtbethel

    That is what happens when you go down that road.

    First it was the acceptance of "extraordinary rendition" torture for terror suspects.

    Then came Iraqi civilian torture, with a few lackeys being punished for it to appease critics, while the deciders in the matter still go unpunished.

    Now this attitude has crept back home, since the torturers have seen that they can get away with it most of the time. Know this, they enjoy inflicting pain on people and it will get worse as time goes on.

  • ninja

    they are so crafty that people will think it's normal in a few years

  • Robdar

    Taser a non violent fare evader? Jeez. Sounds like Canada is becoming a police state. Of course, it's no better in the US. Probably worse, as a matter of fact.

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