Hot Anti Aging News!

by metatron 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    By all means, spend 4 bucks and get the December issue
    of Life Extension magazine! (unless life doesn't
    interest you????).

    It goes into huge detail about recent breakthroughs in
    research like:

    Caloric restriction DOES slow down - and can even
    partially reverse aging in all animals and people.
    It even works in old animals. You gotta understand
    the importance of this - if they know this therapy
    extends life and health, then it gives them a point
    of comparison WITH OTHER THERAPIES being developed.

    One other thing! - that's very important! People have
    been unable to make any progress on stopping aging
    because they can't effectively analyse it - UP TIL NOW!

    What's changed? Why is there going to be a sudden
    burst of progress on anti-aging? Answer: the DNA chip!

    By combining microelectronics manufacture with modern
    biology, scientists have created a 'chip' which can
    detect exactly what genes are turned on or off in a
    human or animal. Because of this remarkable new tool,
    they can now rapidly analyse the aging process and
    determine ways to stop it, WITHOUT WAITING FOR YEARS
    TO SEE IF SOMETHING WORKS (hey, even chimps live
    to be 40 or so).

    Still not convinced? Most of a month ago, the news got
    buried amidst reports of terrorism - but some leading
    scientists got together and predicted that there would
    be huge progress on stopping aging in the next TEN YEARS!
    They concluded that leaders should be discussing how
    society should adapt to this probability! ( Critiquing
    Human Lifespan - it's over in the Forum section at

    Lets wipe out death
    in our lifetime!


  • Marilyn

    Hi Metatron, the reduction of calories is quite a lot if I recall? I saw a program about it recently. Even the scientists doing the research say they can't reduce their intake sufficiently - though there is one guy who's been on the diet over 5 yrs and is giving good chemistry results. He's pretty miserable though - I saw him interviewed when he first started out on the program - he was a lot more enthusiastic then than he was in the interview a few months ago. I think his girl friend stuffs down Big Macs in front of him. He's only allowed something like 1200 or 1500 caloreis a day (forgotten which is which for males and females).

    My parents adopted a cat from uncaring neighbours. It had gone hungry for years. Even then my parents didn't lavish it with food. The cat lived till she was about 23 or more. She may have gone longer but in recent years they used to be quite generous with her food. I put it down to her eating sparsely during her life.


  • Cygnus


    I always click on your posts. I read Ben Bova's book a couple of years ago. Fascinating stuff.

    That said, I'd still prefer to live to about 75 or 76 and call it a life.

    However, to be perfectly honest, if I make it past 55 (considering the way I feel now at 29, and considering my dad's state of health at 56), everything from that point on would be gravy.

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