I have 'pained' as have many of you!
Tolle claims virtually all pain to be due to 'pain bodies'.attached to an ego you have! (not viewed last nights show yet!! - not available online tilll later)
For example, if a loved one dies - there is no way they can ever return any love you have for their non-existent life form/presence or the future interactions and reality you would have shared with them! You are left with an imaginary (mental) ego - a persona of yours attached to their invisible form - which displaces the NOW of your life in preference to maintaining an illusion of them - which is absent them!
So you in effect are loving to feed the pain body!
You are loving to keep dragging the present 'you' into a negative reality.
It is unavoidable that some of this will occur, but knowing its impact on your present life is what gives you a balance and awareness of what is happening to you. Maybe thus enabling you to reduce it???? Maybe?? I don't know - if it's irreplaceable then maybe not - I am having a problem with replacement!!! Tolle suggests when you focus on the core self you will be free of all pain bodies!
What is a pain body?
When does an ego become an ego?
I say:
1) when one person gives more than another - for whatever reason !
2) when a person expects of themselves more than reality allows them to - for whatever reason !
3) when you buy into others expecting mor of you than reality allows you to give - for whatever reason !
4) when each of 1,2,3 result in your being 'judged' a failure for not meeting their expectations of you!
If you think of any more please add!