Where is he?

by hillary_step 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step

    Apologies for posting this message on this forum as well as the music forum but it is a little urgent.

    Do any of you who keep up with a musical life know whether Arthur Lee ( Love - 'Forever Changes' ) is out of prison yet and if so where he was last spotted?

    A long shot but somebody may know. Please feel free to mail me - HS

  • jayhawk1


    Lee would have been sentenced to nine months in jail if he had pled guilty. Instead, he fought the case and lost. With enhancements attached to the charge because of his prior felony conviction and the other events of that month, the court threw the book at him: 12 years, of which he must serve a minimum of nine years.

    I believe he was sentenced in 1995, so he is still in prison for three more years.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    I feel bad for these poor fools.
    http://hometown.aol.com/onjehovahside/ and [email protected]

  • dungbeetle

    * http://members.ozemail.com.au/~hektor/love/index.html

    November 8. 2001


    Dear friends, the California Circuit Appeals Court has decided to throw out Arthur Lee's original REDICULOUS 12-year conviction from 1996 (gee, thanks Judge.) for firing a gun (in the air in Sherman Oaks, of all places.).
    They have given Los Angeles District Atty., Steven Cooley, 60 days to retry Arthur Lee or set him free. According to Arthur's close friend and former tour manager, David Fairweather (himself, an Asst. Santa Monica Dist. Atty.), Cooley will most likely declare Arthur's sentence "Time Served" and be done with it. So, friends, Arthur may be a free man again very soon. Unfortunately, he's had to spend the last 6 years behind bars instead of creating and performing great music IN BARS. But, such is life in the California Penal System.
    Just thought you'd like to know!
    peace out,
    Mike Randle


  • hillary_step

    Thank you,

    I heard a rumor that he had closed the gates behind him recently and was a 'prisoner of the white lines' again.

    Lee would have been sentenced to nine months in jail if he had pled guilty. Instead, he fought the case and lost.
    Arthur would have to fight for first place in line with the Mad Hatter, but he would never have fought the case if some slick young lawyer hoping to make a name for himself did not give him the worse advise possible. Arthur is a songwriter not a lawyer, he has also been a fool, but he does not deserve what happened.


  • hillary_step

    Just in case you wonder. Arthur Lee - 'I Do Wonder' mp3 4K:

    : http://members.home.net/squonka/leewonder.mp3


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