How is it that we get so much insider info all the time and I get my meeting announcements here before I get them at the meeting?
For example I saw the bethel brochure ONE week before they had it at my meeting and it must've been an elder who scanned since they were the only ones who had one.
DO we have active Bethelites and elders here? I'm surprised the Borg doesn't keep a key logger on Bethel computers!
Wow I think we have a bigger insider scoop than everyone who's a healthy JW
by nbernat 8 Replies latest jw friends
No, no. No bethelites or elders here. It's satan who does this work. Apparently, he likes us apostates ;)
S -
It is the unholy spirit that keeps us going.
Satan is da man. He knocks on Apostates doors on Saturday morning and hands them advanced copies of the new food at the proper time.
So, I've been gone for awhile...what Bethel brochure?
It's a new tract or some stupid thing. I've been away for a bit, but I got a sniff of the air here. There's some big things happening in the org to get the zombies moving a bit more. The tract is just the org poking them with a stick.
I noticed that, too. We apostates get things, as apostates, before the hounders get them as faithful hounders. Months ahead, oftentimes. And we have time to take the Washtowel articles and write another one and throw it back in the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger's face.
By the way... I don't think it is possible for there to be a "healthy JW", for what that's worth. Sounds like an oxymoron, to me.