May you have peace!
I have been away for awhile (my apologies to my dear ones here... but my "life" called for a moment), and was directed to return today, that there was someone 'thirsting'. I have been granted leave by my Lord to answer your question, if you will permit me. Thank you.
It is true that without God in our lives, we feel something is missing. But there is a way to have God in our lives, and that is to have His Son, my Lord... whose name is not "Jesus", but JAHESHUA (JAH Saves - Psalm 68:4)... MISCHAJAH (chosen/anointed of JAH; messiah)... in our lives so that the Father can 'reside' in us.
This is how it works:
1. You can 'search the scriptures' all you wish to, but they cannot give you life. There is only One who can, the One to whom life has been entrusted, the One who IS "the Life"... my Lord, the Son of God. Through HIM, you can have God IN you... so that they DWELL in you, together.
John 14:23
Romans 8:9
2. The reason that they will 'dwell' in you, is because we are to be 'living stones'... in the 'temple' of God. You see, in the days of ancient Israel, God... JAH... 'dwelled' by means of His holy spirit, in a tabernacle... and a temple 'made with hands'. These, however, were TEMPORARY dwelling places for the spirit of God. Once His Son was murdered, however, His spirit LEFT the temple and returned to Him, until His Son could 'rebuild' that temple. That is what the Son is doing now, starting with Pentecost 30 CE... rebuilding the 'house' of God.
Ephesians 2:19-21
3. What my Lord does is pours out my Father's holy spirit, the spirit of LIFE and TRUTH, upon those 'wishing... thirsting... and hearing'. It is a FREE 'gift'... granted to all those who ASK for it. It started at Pentecost 30 CE and was evidenced by the little flames above the heads of those who received it INTO them. The reason for the flames was, if you remember, in the wilderness, God's spirit was evidenced by a cloud of smoke at day, and a pillar of fire at night. Since it was the NIGHT of Pentecost, the spirit was evidenced by flames. Had it been day, it would have been little clouds of smoke.
Revelation 22:17
Luke 11:13
Acts 2:1-4
4. That 'outpouring' is still going on today, just as John related, "the Spirit and the Bride KEEP saying "Come"! Contrary to what you may have been TOLD... the "door" has not yet been "shut", nor will it be until "All the nations have come in".
John 10:1-6
Revelation 22:17
5. As on who has received such holy spirit, it is MY "commission" to go and tell others of it, of the FREE gift, and invite them to "partake" of it, and enjoing themselves to the Body of Christ. There is no "church" to join, for we ARE the "church"... the "congregation of the Firstborn". There is no religion, no instituion, no conglomerate.
6. How does one "join" this "congregation"? Very simple:
a. Come into and REMAIN... in union... with God and Christ, THROUGH the blood and flesh of Christ.
John 6:48-56
John 15:1-7
b. Obey his commandments, which are simply:
(1) Remain in union, by eating his flesh and drinking his blood
(2) Love one another, including your enemies
(3) Judge and condemn no one
(4) Forgive and release ALL who trangress, whether against you or another
(5) Become servants of one another, consider all others superior to you, just as he consider HIS disciples superior to him
(6) Ask for and receive holy spirit
(7) "Soften" your heart so that the Law... of LOVE... may be "written" thereon
(8) Exercise FAITH... and LISTEN TO HIS VOICE... so that when he SPEAKS... you hear... and obey.
John 13:12-15
7. Yes, God speaks to us, through Christ, "from the heavens". It is not a physically audible voice, but it is a very distinct and discernable one. We CAN hear him... and he DOES speak.
John 10:3, 4, 27
Hebrews 12:25
If we observe these things, we CAN ask for... and receive... the promised holy spirit... the GIFT OF LIFE... the 'living water' that we 'drink' from him and become IN us a 'fountain bubbling up to impart everlasting life." But we cannot GET this 'life' from any other source... there is only One.
John 4:14
John 7:37, 38
Because I have been appointed as a servant to the Household of God, Israel, whether those of Abraham's seed or those of the nations who have attached themselves to such household, I am at your service. It is my OBLIGATION to point to you the Way to Life, so that if is it truly your 'wish'... you can receive the spirit of God, by means of that One... and be 'set free'.
John 8:32
John 14:6
John 8:36
Therefore, please... consider me YOUR servant and ask what you may wish to know that I may help you find the One that can lead you to 'fountains of waters of life'.
Again, I bid you peace and ask that if you truly 'wish' it and are 'thirsting'...
May the underserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace of His Christ and Son, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you... you and your entire household... to time indefinite... if you so 'wish' it and are 'thirsting' for it. Indeed, if you truly have ear to hear... may you hear what the Spirit... AND the Bride keep saying:
"COME! Take "life's water"... FREE!"
I am your servant, for I am a true servant to the Household of God, Israel, by means of a TRUE anointing with holy spirit, received from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ of the Holy One of Israel, whose name IS... JAH OF ARMIES...