Isnt that what they ALWAYS SAY???? Isnt that the HYPE they are giving this meeting change crap Sunday too?? And they say its SOOOO big that EVERY CONGREGATION AROUND THE WORLD WILL HEAR IT SIMULTANEOUSLY!!!! Well hell it HAS to be Armageddon if its THAT big right??? I HATE that they do this to these poor people but damned if it doesnt get their BUTTS IN THOSE SEATS at least for a DAY.
Does anyone remember when they did this to us back in...I think it was 90? I was pregnant I remember that...but the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT that day was that we were doing a BLITZ with FLIERS??? We were to go to every single house in our territory and put a leaflet on every single door and not stop to talk to ANYBODY just keep moving moving moving!!! And make sure EVERY PERSON WAS INFORMED....and on and ON and ON and FRICKIN ON they went like this was LIFE threatening if people didnt get this damn piece of paper!!
And I dont even remember WHAT IT SAID...but they got everybody sooooo damn excited that something (ANYTHING GOD PLEASE) was going to happen that would break up that mind numbingly boring existence we were living....hoping hoping hoping that God would bring an end to the system so we wouldnt have to go out in fricking SERVICE any more.
They promise that shiny new bike every year to their highly expectant trusting sheep and year after year deliver coal...and laugh at us like we were those prisoners at AbuGhreib. :(