When we feed grain to the animals and the children starve...

by Alpaca 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alpaca

    ...we surrender that which makes us human. --- A Buddhist Proverb (that I saw recently and thought extremely appropriate to current world events).

    The world has really gone crazy (especially America) because now we are feeding grain to the machines and the price of food is going through the roof.

    The hype about ethanol solving our fuel problems is one of the biggest farces ever perpetrated on the public and they are swallowing it as fast they are consuming gasoline.

    No one in a serious policy making capacity has thought this through, or if they have they are sweeping the facts under the rug. It takes an enormous amount of resources to produce the corn necessary to make ethanol, not the least of which is water. The water in the High Plains Aquifer (aka the Ogallala Aquifer) underlying the Great Plains is fossil water that is not being replenished. The water table in some areas is down 1,000 feet from historical levels and the current water consumption rates are not sustainable, let alone any increases for more corn production.

    Cheers to all,


  • dinah

    Don't forget the goverment pays farmers to not grow corn. It keeps the prices up, and Wall Street wins.

    DInah (of the my corn is in my garden class)

  • Alpaca

    From what I have read, Dinah, the farmers are still getting the benefits of the subsidies while production is also ramping up.

    It is a very complicated Congressional policy that is difficult for experts to navigate.

    In the end it is still madness on a collosal scale.

  • AGuest
    The world has really gone crazy (especially America) because now we are feeding grain to the machines and the price of food is going through the roof.

    Heinous, ain't it? Nothing good can come from this. Other than, perhaps, "Let the one that is standing... beware he does not fall."

    I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • chickpea

    PBS's Independent Lens aired "KING CORN" mostly about the infiltration of corn into the american food system, but it did offer information about the government's role in subsidizing crops that are energy intensive to raise ....

    scientist's remark to the film makers about his analysis of their carbon structure>>> all of your carbon is derived from corn!!!! Scary


  • Alpaca


    Thanks for the link.


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