Conference Call starts in 15 min w/ Rick Fearon & others

by Gayle 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    phone 712-432-8710 pin 9925,,no charge except for your phone lone distance service,,I have free long distance with my service,,so I'm on.

  • TheListener

    Did I miss something? What's this about?

  • Gayle

    Rick Fearon hosts this,,but it's free,,he has people coming on, couple hundred people or more & has guest speakers,,today Brenda Lee is on from Colorado,,she wrote a book "Out of the Cocoon".. Fearon was a JW for 40yrs or so,,disfellowshipped for disagreeing,,he has a Web site, goes on UTube also,,he active for x JWs.

  • MissingLink

    Is this a pay-per-view commercial for Brenda?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    No, its not a pay per view thing. Some say it is a recruitment thing for Rick's Christian bent. Whatever. Not interested. Try it for yourself. W.Once

  • Highlander

    Yay! Let's all leave one cult(j-dubs), only to join another cult!

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