Hey I can dream can't I? That would have been fun to see the look on elders faces, and they would have had such an awkward time of correcting my comment, if even possible. I did however manage to inform my wife of the change, tell her how I found out, and put in her head the thought that this could not really be about gas, or it would have happend in Europe years ago, and would be implemented immediately. She is there now...................oompa
Worked "no more bookstudies" into WT comment today!!!!
by oompa 9 Replies latest jw friends
very funny, oompa! Missinglink and I were impressed with how smoooothly the transition went from the WT study about being yielding into the letter from the GB. We were just smiling at each other.
You had me going, Will be interesting the response when mates get home and they were
<br><br>enlightened about what they would already be hearing.
<br><br>hope4others -
darn fire fox br br, how did that happen?
Oompa, that would have been great!
When I told my wife she got real silent. When I finally got her to talk, she said the news made her sad. Also that it bothered her that she knew something she wasn't supposed to know yet.
Why would she be sad? It wasn't done away with, just moved to another day. I say it's because of the social aspect of the meeting.
Wife talked with BF after meeting....friend said how loving da bruddas are to consider how they need relief from our busy schedule....friend works full time and so does elder/husband....both have college degrees....she is in medical field and they knock down close to $200k as a couple to help pay for their new $500k home. Ahhhhhhhhh..........................oompa
it is about gas fools ... GB doesnt care about gas prices in other countries ... it totally hit their pocket book this time around in bethel ... bethelites paid $5.00 for a rountrip to the meeting at least 3 years ago ... break out your calculators
My wife banned all meetings this weekend, so she wasn't present for the annoucement, but I told her last week thanks to JWD and sites like this. When she found out the reasoning, she literally LOL'd and blurted out- "That's bullshit", which to me is a big step forward on deprogramming from the borg and be that ONLY a few months ago our relationship was on shaky grounds since my coming forward with my stance against the WTBS.
She actually spoke to her DF'd brother this morning about her doubts.
AK - Jeff
Mega - that is good news. It does sound like she is moving forward, though I am not familiar with your situation.
Good luck.
And Oompa - I wish you had made a comment during the WT. That would have been a gas.
megawatt, all I can say is YOU LUCKY BA$$$$$TARD!!!!......and please, please tell me how you got her to come around even this far!..........oompa