What constitutes the bulk of the expenses for the WT organization?
Is it the printing of the literature? Yes
Is it the distribution of the literature? Yes
Is it the administrative expense for collecting and compiling congregation reports? Yes
Is it the multiple international branches? Yes
Solution: Welcome to the internet.
Think about a cascaded MLM type operation.
Each congregation get's a congregation admin account. This account is used to communicate with the society, download the latest literature, report field service, SETUP sub-accounts for each publisher or interested person.
Each person can update their field service numbers, print tracts (yes all FS in the future is based upon tracts - short 4 page pdf documents).
By going virtual it also allows the organization to be "portable" in case the work is ever banned in one country or another. It also enables them to become lawsuit proof in others.
This is an idea that can be very practical for them. Who wants to bet me that they will have this in the next 8 years?