Big Anouncement equals nearness of Armageddon

by TooBad TooSad 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    My Mom told me that at her sisters Kindom Hall, before the annoucement was read

    the PO said "Friends this letter from the Governing Body will emphasize why you have

    to be at all of the meetings. If you were not here today you would not get to hear this

    exciting information and as we get nearer and nearer to the Great Tribulation we will

    be receiving more and more of these letters from the Governing Body with directions

    from Jehovah."

    I did not tell Mom that I knew about the letter and its message before the local elders

    knew and that I did not have to go to the meeting to find out.

    TooBad TooSad

  • poppers
    I did not tell Mom that I knew about the letter and its message before the local elders knew and that I did not have to go to the meeting to find out.

    Why not?

  • mrsjones5

    My parents missed the big announcement because they left on vacation a few days before and they never visit other halls when they are out of town. They'll be here tomorrow. I wonder if I should say anything.

  • moomanchu

    My mom says the governing body must know something big is about to happen.

    She also says there is going to be food shortages because the farmers won't be able to pay for gas to work the fields.

    Hearing about high gas at the kingdom hall really got her bent.

    JW workmate says "How did you know about the bs change" I told him a "P.O. told me" (not a lie ha).

    I then told him about this web site and ajwrb. His dad is a P.O. and on the hospital liason commitee.( if your reading this j.b. hi)

    He said "he thinks the society is preparing them for the time when things are so bad that they won't be able to meet together."

    JW's are simple, naive and gullible, very excitable people.

    God did I really think like this years ago.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    God did I really think like this years ago.

    Sadly, the answer is probably yes. But....Only to feel like you belong somewhere and not feel the wrath of the simple-minded lemmings of the washtowel society.....LOL

  • flipper

    TOO BAD, TOO SAD - Too funny ! That P.O. in your sisters kingdom hall just kills me ! LOL! How in the hell does he know , " as we get nearer and nearer to the great tribulation we will be receiving more and more of these letters from the governing body with directions from Jehovah " ! Jesus Christ, dear God Jehovah- does the man sleep side by side in Ted Jaracz's shorts for crying out loud ! I mean, talk about whipping up " imaginary fervor " among the rank and file members ! And his controlling statement, " will emphasize why you have to be at ALL of the meetings. " The guy was so wound up he sounded like he would pop a blood vessel ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • peggy

    I asked my mom about how we were always taught that the smaller groups such as the Book study and meeting place would be a safe haven during the great tribulation and how it would be through this group that the elders would be able to keep track of us. In fact....that is why the change of Book sudy conductor to Book study OVERSEER! My moms eyes lit up and she said "NO, it will be at the kingdom hall". The brothers KNOW what they are doing! She saw this as SUCH a positive! The END is NEAR!!! Ah well......I am glad she has her dreams and I have common sense!


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