200 Churches this week! Waiting for fallout....

by biblexaminer 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • biblexaminer

    This week, 200 area churches received the CCI mailout. That's about 65% of all churches here. If all good people go to church on Sunday, and the good Pastor does his part, then 50,000 people will be informed from Community Conscious International.

    I hope others did likewise.

    I am eager to hear what the local newspaper doods say when the phone starts to ring.
    CCI letter to Churches.doc

  • hawkaw

    Some things seem to just amase me.

    Not one, one response to this thread. I can't belive it.

    Bible examiner has single handedly notifed 1,000 of people in his community about this issue.

    Way to go big guy.


  • openminded

    Thanks guys! Good job! Keep it up!

  • myMichelle

    I read the article, but I hope BX isn't being overly optimistic about the response of church leaders. In my own little part of the world, I have found that nonJWs basically don't know about and don't give a crap about JWs and their religion, unless the WTS has somehow touched their lives via family/friends. That includes several clergy members I have talked to, y'know the ones who are supposed to be trembling and gnashing their teeth in the light of "the Truth".

    Perhaps this mailing would be more effective if BX took Hawk's offer on another thread to send a letter to the editor. Even the WTS knows the benefits of repetition to get a point across, and a broader audience would be reached.

    Good luck guys, and thanks for all of your work,

    The most deadly of all sins is the mutilation of a child's spirit. -Erik H. Erikson

  • one


    any action against wt must be organized, they ARE organized.

    it ok to inform in a casual way or un-organized manner but

    if any specific action or results are desired, better prepare an specific plan, to be approved by the participants

    what are your plans and goals?

  • sf

    Dear hawkaw,

    Please try NOT to assume no one is thankful, apprecative or anything else just because this thread isn't loaded w/ kudo's. You have no idea how hard at work some of us are; we just don't announce our "projects" in the same way others may. Fact is, this email has been sent to a dozen media outlets I have been wired up too the last year or so. Plus "others" who are not media.

    We all are appreciative of EVERYONES efforts in exposing this organization's criminal corruptionS. Some express it in ways you may not be aware of. In my opinion, using BE's letter to send out IS a huge thank you for what he has done. Otherwise I'd have devised my own letter.

    Sincerely, sKally


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