An elders' reaction to finding out it had been leaked ahead of time :P

by SnakesInTheTower 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I have a JW friend that I still talk to once a week or so on the phone, just about nothing to day life...she knows I dont go to meetings "right now" (LOL)... she has no real idea how far gone I am.....

    Her father is an elder in her congo.... she lives next door to her folks. So I made sure to plant the bug in her ear about the "announcement" and exactly what it was.... of course she told her mother who told her elder husband....since elder husband is not PO, he had no clue..... until everyone else heard the letter read...

    Here is the text of the email I received from my friend:

    Yep, you got it right.

    Boy, is my Dad mad at you. I told my Mom, who told my Dad and he wants to know why you told me. I told him it just came up in conversation.

    You didn't call last night. Call tonight and let me know what happened with your job today.

    and no..this is not a romantic thing....we are friends but we could kill each other if we were married to each other..LOL.... Here is my reply back:

    had a bad feeling that if your dad got wind of what I told you before hand...he wouldnt be too happy..and he shouldnt be happy....

    just remind your dad that I am not an elder so I was not privvy to confidential information through the congregation or even an elder I know personally. he should be upset with whichever PO (or POs) that leaked the information onto the internet. Only the POs had access to this information officially until Sunday before the meeting, at which time he could share it with the other elders right before the meeting. I think if you google Jehovahs Witnesses and meetings or book study it will pop on several locations...I am sure some were not good sites...the one I went to was a general topics site.... (rest of email not related to this topic..reply about the work thing)

    so....there is a leak in the borg,......heheheheheheheheheheI wonder if the elders will get a letter about THAT? I also made sure to plant this bug in at least one other elder's ear beforehand..havent heard their reaction yet.... Snakes ()

  • crazyblondeb

    This is what I think of the elder's concern!!


  • WTWizard

    I bet they are pxxxed off that every time the Washtowel has a "special announcement", it ends up on an apostate web site before anyone in the congregation is supposed to know about it. That is throwing a monkey wrench in their plans to stir up excitement with "special announcements".

  • integ
    I bet they are pxxxed off that every time the Washtowel has a "special announcement", it ends up on an apostate web site before anyone in the congregation is supposed to know about it.

    That truly is VERY FUNNY that that is the case. Hahahaha.

    And the funnier thing is there is not a damn thing they can do about it. hahahahahahahhaha

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