If you are familiar with the WBTS literature, you are familiar with their version of the story of Noah. It's mostly the same as other Christian versions except for one detail.
In only one scripture in the Bible (2 Peter 2:5), Noah is called a preacher of righteousness. This is the only scripture in the entire 66 books that mentions him in this way. Furthermore, there is no evidence that he actually went "door to door" as the Witnesses suggest and portray him as doing. They say that he "preached to his neighbors". Where is this information coming from? I suspect that most people never actually look in the Bible to see this.
Also, in Genesis 6:3, the NWT says:
. 3 After that Jehovah said: "My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years."
The WBTS interprets that to mean that this is the time that was left before he flooded the earth (which seems unnecessary if humankind had not spread that far--and if they had, how could Noah preach to them and fairly warn them?). Most Christian religions and plain Bible readers take this scripture to be the indicator of when he stopped the life spans of humans from being in the hundreds and limited them to 120.
I don't really have a point to this, I guess. I am just curious. From two words written by a man that was thousands of years separated from Noah they make out Noah to be a special missionary pioneer.