Resolved to do Right? (Big puke alert)

by WTWizard 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    Here we go again. The June 15 Washtowel has an article about resolving to do what is right. The preceding article had a subheading about fleeing from fornication, which merits a puke alert (yup, stifle that sex drive and stay away from anything that might make you sexually attracted to someone else).

    This is the second study article, which has things to pursue. Paragraph 4 is a prime example. This subheading is about pursuing righteousness, which in itself is not objectionable. However, the paragraph states that we must be completely resolved to avoid forming any romantic attachment to anyone that is not a baptized Witless. Anyone pursuing righteousness, according to the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, will be totally resolved therein.

    Now I will compare what the "secret society" I joined to slap them in the face says is pursuing righteousness. Any volitionally chosen act that is good for self or society is morally good. Meaning any volitionally chosen act that is going to do oneself and/or society good is righteous, and anyone choosing such acts is pursuing righteousness. There is nothing morally wrong with forming a romantic attachment to anyone that is not of the same belief!

    Of course, the remainder of the article discusses pursuing self-sacrifice. This is evident in field circus, studying a lie, and enduring unnecessary persecution and hardship. Notice the other half of the simple code of morals is "Any volitionally chosen act that is bad for self or society is morally bad." Which means self-sacrifice solely for the purpose of the "higher cause" is morally bad, or unrighteous. It generates value destruction and deadweight, diminishing the value of society. Most acts of Godly devotion are this kind of damaging altruism and selflessness. They destroy value and do not give someone else value in ways that can pay back, whether in terms of love, friendship, or genuinely helping someone in need.

    This is another prime example of where the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger provides crap advice. If you follow it, you are going to lose many an opportunity for romantic adventure, including marriage (and such could be few and far between as it is). You will also pass up opportunities to help people in ways that mean something, in order to waste more time and gas peddling more of those wastes of paper that are going to have zero effect. Plus, you are probably going to stiff that chick that works at Starbucks to avoid developing any romantic attachment, who is going to be pxxxed for the day, give lousy service to other patrons, and hopefully will hate the witless religion.

    Do not follow the advice from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger!

  • Morgana
    Any volitionally chosen act that is good for self or society is morally good. Meaning any volitionally chosen act that is going to do oneself and/or society good is righteous, and anyone choosing such acts is pursuing righteousness. There is nothing morally wrong with forming a romantic attachment to anyone that is not of the same belief!

    Yes, I agree. Whoever follows the "Washtowel's" advice will not only "lose many an opportunity for romantic adventure" and "pass up opportunities to help people in ways that mean something", but really poison his or her life and relationships, because it would lead to unnatural and therefore unhealthy, forced behavior.

    A great teacher (Immanuel Kant) has stated more precisely and stringently in philosophical terms as the Categorical Imperative what is sometimes called the "golden rule" (Matthew 7:12); he has given several formulations of the same principle:

    "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."
    "Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end and never merely as a means to an end."
    "Therefore, every rational being must so act as if he were through his maxim always a legislating member in the universal kingdom of ends."

    Kant here postulates a foundation of morality that does not rely on any divine revelation or given "law" but on our inherent humanity. If we only were able to listen inside we would receive all the guidance we need in relation to moral or ethical questions - i.e., if our innate sense were not distorted by all these wrong teachings like, e.g. (W08 06/15 p.13 #9): "In our sinful state, we cannot manifest perfect godly devotion." What a hypocritical rubbish! It is sickening teachings like these about our alleged "sinful state" that alienate us from our true nature in the first place!

    Or as another great teacher stated this principle even more succinctly:

    "Love is the law, love under will."
  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Since the Bible is fairly explicit that Christians should onlyy marry "in the Lord" and they should not become "unevenly yoked with unbelievers", there is nothing scripturally wrong with teaching that Christians should only get romantically involved with another Christian. The real problem is that JW's do not think anyone else is a Christian except them. Only JW's consider themselves "true Christians", so even if a JW married a person who was not a JW but who still professed to be a dedicated Christian, that isn't enough for the WTS.

    And WTWizard, please stop confusing the Watchtower Society with the FDS. The 'filthful and disgraceful slavebugger' as you keep calling them (ad nauseum) is NOT the Watchtower Society.

  • Aleman

    So you think it's OK not to do the righteousness thing?

    The preceding article had a subheading about fleeing from fornication, which merits a puke alert (yup, stifle that sex drive and stay away from anything that might make you sexually attracted to someone else).

    Obviously you know nothing of self respect and moral dignity.

    However, the paragraph states that we must be completely resolved to avoid forming any romantic attachment to anyone that is not a baptized Witless. Anyone pursuing righteousness, according to the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, will be totally resolved therein.

    Again, moral dignity not only to yourself but who ever your partner may be. Suppose she is not a JW and you are, she may think he is to much of a bible fanatic, or she may get him to go to her church, how will this act in thier heads or conscience? This is why they say it so as not to have these situations. But then again what do you know, you are here posting this rediculous subjet that obviously you know nothing of.

    As for the other stupid coment you said of ' Which means self-sacrifice solely for the purpose of the "higher cause" is morally bad, or unrighteous. It generates value destruction and deadweight, diminishing the value of society.' Say that to any armed service military men and you'll see their foot on your face because their 'higher cause is the country' they are patriots of a free land that has fought for your rights and died for your freedom. Why should a country have the honor of having patriots and God the Almighty shouldn't. You think that the WTBS is saying this because they want us serving them, YOU"RE WRONG MY FRIEND.

    There are many texts that support this issue, to be patriots of Jehovah for he will be victorious against all evil. Be righteous and follow Gods word. there is nothing to it all you have to do is two things; 1- Love God will all your might and heart and mind. 2- Love your neighbor like you love yourselves. Neighbor, somthings wrong with you, you must hate yourself.


  • crazyblondeb
    The 'filthful and disgraceful slavebugger' as you keep calling them (ad nauseum) is NOT the Watchtower Society.

    No, they RUN the watchtower society!!

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