Does anyone know of the WTS's regulations regarding starting a home school program for the kids/teens and using the KH as the classroom? Would they approve? There need not be any other form of regulation in California but be considered a private school-- no accredidation, housing, etc. required.
Starting a "private school" at the KH?
by nbernat 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well each state has different requirements......
I am a homeschooling mom and still 'in'.
The WTS is not going to do private school at the KH. That would conjure scenes of Jesus and the Temple in the My Book of Bible Stories.
Based on Losch's comments I would expect to see more suggestion to homeschool.
Many of us Mom's have used the KH as a hub for meeting up.
Currently there is a group of JWs who do provide school books and an umbrella of sorts called "New System School"
No one in my KH is using the school but oddly enough we are using Abeka, Bob Jones, and
We also use A2 but not the LDS version.
I don't know if the Kingdumb Hells will be used as classrooms. I am, however, predicting a trend toward more home schooling.
And not quality home schooling, either. They will use Washtowel and Asleep! magazines and Washtowel publications for sources in preference to, or exclusion of, worldly sources. Materials will be very limited. Field circus will make up much of the "field trip" activity; quite a few "field trips" will be to Beth Hell or the a$$embly hells. Friendships and play time will be minimal to non-existent. And the lessons will be geared toward making better God machines out of children.
Obviously, even with the wretched public schools we have, this is going to be even worse. People in public school usually supplement what's in the textbook with Google, which is probably the best "public school" I have heard of (and it's free for the price of the advertisement that pops up). Witlesses won't have that (remember, they are to stay off the Internet because of those evil porn and apostate sites). Instead, they will have that CD-ROM that contains the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger's interpretation of the truth. In fact, it will be geared specifically to make pioneers out of the children and to prevent them from ever leaving the cult.