So any ways i lost my job last week and decided to grow a goatee. I stay with my dad and we were having a conversation and he pointed at my goat and said "shave that" I said no. He said JWs dont have beards. Not being baptized myself i could've pointed out that technically im not a dub but instead i said 'Jesus had a beard". To my surprise my dad said no he didn't those pictures of jesus from christendom where he has long hear and a beard are false he had short are and was clean shavin. I instantly grabbed a copy of the greatest man book and showed him a pic of jesus with beard. And the 12 apostles with beard. and all of his followers with beard. Only person without beard was a roman solder. I said see christian's have beards and non christian don't so there. His response was " i stand corrected" he admitted he was wrong only when i showed from jw books Wonder what else i can convince him?
Proved Dub Dad wrong
by Ex-smoker 8 Replies latest jw friends
Wow. Sounds like your Dad's out of the loop.
It was a big deal in JWdom when they finally admitted that, Yes, Jesus was a Jew and Yes he could not have been clean shaven if he had kept the Law perfectly. The illustrations of Jesus in books like The Truth That Leads To Eternal Life (1968) were redrawn to show Jesus with a beard.
I think that proves the older ones are even more brainwashed than even we can believe sometimes....look how bad beards are in your dads mind. At least it is a start, but talk about a long way to go...............oompa
You did good, but you best not let him see this page.
Awakened at Gilead
I did the same thing with my wife and family when they complained about the beard I began to grow about 3 weeks ago. They couldn't say anything when they saw the Good Teacher book...
I shaved it off since I wasn't used to it, but I made my point that the JWs make up rules as they go along.
sweet pea
It would be interesting to see where exactly in the literature the Society has given the impression that "true Christians wouldn't want to wear a beard" - to plant a seed of doubt that the Org goes beyond the things written.....
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I don't remember if I posted this before. But here is something I wrote a while back. If gives some scriptures. Sorry if I am ranting....
I am tired of the hypocrisy, the lies, the false prophesies, and the way they beat people over the head with a few selected group of Mosaic Laws on some things and blatantly disregard other laws. For instance, how many times have we been told that a man wearing a woman's clothing and a woman wearing a man's is detestable? (Deuteronomy 22:5) Fine, it was in the law. But so is there a law about a man not to shave his beard, indeed even his side locks must not be cut. (Leviticus 19:27) But since judge rutherford HATED beards the brothers are not allowed to wear one and be "considered for privileges" if they do because it is a sign of spiritual weakness. So, if they want to come out and use the Mosaic Law I grant them that they can if they wish. Christians are not bound to the Mosaic Law, because according to the jw religion Jesus abolished it. In fact, He completed it and put the Christian congregation under a New Covenant. But if they want to enforce the Mosaic Law then fine, but enforce the whole thing not just the ones they feel like enforcing or bullying people with to make them fall into their version of what a submissive person needs to be to forward their magazine sales and cultish enslavement of people into the service of some ill-conceived organization that masquerades itself as God's Prophet but utters profane lies and false prophesies. Maybe they should have read what happens to a false prophet before they became prophets of profit!! (Deuteronomy 18:22)If they had the truth ever, I am sure they lost it somewhere along the line.
It goes back to some comment in the literature in the '60s that Witnesses wouldn't want to be associated by their appearance with the rebellious youth culture of the time and with hippies. In this they unfairly lumped together long hair and beards with a generally unkempt appearance. A man can look quite good with a well kept beard and long hair.
Ironically, beards were acceptable in other times. Just look at C. T. Russell. This is, and has always been, a purely cultural issue. People raised in the '40s and '50s think that the clean shaven look is the only way to be simply because of the time period they grew up in. My boss, a conservative "worldly" man in his 70's, insists that his ten year old grandson have a "man's hair cut" (in other words "short") even though the boy wants to let his hair grow. JW's, being run by old men, likewise insist on perpetuating this Anglo-American cultural tradition. This long standing cultural bias has been perpetuated by corporate news media as well.
Personally, I'm not interested in growing a beard, though I do have a 'stash and long hair.
Dave -
For Jewish men growing a beard meant that you had reached manhood, tugging on a mans' beard, throwing dust on his beard showed disrespect for him.. Romans were cleanshaven and this was looked down upon - king Agrippa and his sister used to follow the Roman trends (him not shaving) (she - dressing as roman women did)