...apparently Armageddon is not expected before January 2009. Otherwise, there'd be no need to plan the change in the Bible Study so far in advance.
Armageddon Postponed
by VoidEater 7 Replies latest jw friends
Between the denials and the lies, the FDS couldn't make it through a discussion with Job's 3 "friends", never mind the GT, or the Big A. They have prepared their sheep to be judgemental, mean, and abusive people, who barely can recite the fruits of the spirit, never mind live them. These people can't live together 5 hours a week, never mind together through eternity. By the way, who the hell would want to live with them and their rules, fears, and moronic interpretations. Their elders believe they will be princes, and rule the New World. What a friggin joke! Their elders couldn't find their asses with 2 hands and a map.
Hi lawrence: Hmm...maybe that's why there will be on hour less to hang out together during the week - thye really can't stand to be in intimate settings with each other!
Shouldn't the more home-based fellowship be something to look forward to? Or maybe homeowners got fed up with a group of people tracking in mud and stealing the hand towels?
(sorry...I know most that come of the Bible Study are courteous, but having hosted a lot of Bible Studies there are certain exceptions!)
Quit that fellowshipping! It leads to independent thought! No personal discussions or studies!
Really, isn't that the theme from 1980? No personal studying?
I'm just glad we're all safe at least through January 2009!
Actually, Armageddon has been cancelled due to disasterous head on collision with reality.
Wordly Andre
Reminds me of a sign that is at my local bar "Free Beer Tomorrow"
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Their elders believe they will be princes, and rule the New World. What a friggin joke! Their elders couldn't find their asses with 2 hands and a map.
They might not be able to find their own asses but they sure can find the asses of poor innocent kids.
So many of these dickbrains really do get their heads filled with the idea of being a prince. I always believed that responsibilities are thrust upon you, not begged after like little these shaved apes do. Uhh derrrr uh I wanna be a elderrrrr. Like my wife's uncle Wienie! I also believe that the people that desire power so badly should be denied said popwer just for that reason. Because they want it so friggin bad. I think somone should send the IRS and FBI a little note about tax problems, real estate sales, and subversive terrorist talk. It might be funny to see black Suburbans cruising thru kh and assembly hall parking lots with agents inside taking down lisence plates!
"Death To the wacthtower!
Death To their Governing body of Perverted Old Molesting Swine!" -
The way they act, you would think Armageddon is coming in six months at any given time. Then they plan some harebrained scam like this that is going to take effect months beyond that, and needs time to kick in.
I hope Armageddon comes tomorrow for the Washtowel Slaveholdery. That means their end and their demise. And good riddance.
Actually, Armageddon has been cancelled due to disasterous head on collision with reality.
BOOYAH! Bring_the_Light