Wayne Bent

by Deputy Dog 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Anyone following this nut job?

    He said the world would end 10/31/07

    From: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/04/30/children.seized.ap/index.html?iref=hpmostpop

    ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico (AP) -- State police have removed three children from an apocalyptic church whose leader claims to be the Messiah and acknowledges having sex with some of his followers.

    Wayne Bent is shown with a follower at the church's compound in northeastern New Mexico.

    The two girls and one boy -- all younger than 18 -- were taken from the northeastern New Mexico compound after an April 22 investigation, said Romaine Serna, a spokeswoman for the state Children, Youth and Families Department, on Wednesday.

    She said a fourth child, a girl, agreed to be interviewed by the department. Serna said that girl had been at the compound but now lives elsewhere with her parents.

    The three children were taken into state custody because of allegations of inappropriate contact between minors and the adult leader of the Lord Our Righteousness Church, Serna said.

    "I understand that it was very calm, and [state police] did not meet with any resistance," she said. Serna said she wasn't aware of any other youths at the compound.

    Serna declined to elaborate because of the ongoing investigation by state police and the district attorney's office. No charges had been filed, she said. The church has at least 70 members, Serna said.

    Wayne Bent, 66, who is known in the church as Michael Travesser, established the church at a rural site called Strong City, north of Clayton in extreme northeastern New Mexico. He said God anointed him Messiah in July 2000.

  • Hope4Others
    church's compound

    How many weirdo's have their own compound going? Why does sex and religious fanatics go hand in hand?

    Inquiring minds need to know!



  • jaguarbass

    Compounds are the way to go. You get your followers to pay your rent and support you and you can keep an eye on them and controll them.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    I wonder how long it will take for him to kill all of his followers.

  • Velvetann

    I have been following this story lately. I never am able to fathom where these men find people to follow and believe them. These people must have very low self esteem or just want to believe in a fantasy. Though its much like many of us, we believed the GB and the Watchtower so I can't fault the followers just the Leader.

    Here we have yet another cult with a leader who thinks and teaches that he is literally Gods prophet and acts like he is Jesus. This of course is a HUGE magnet for young girls and boys as they feel privileged to serve the Master. Serving him as his concubines and or giving them his seed is a given of course. I saw one of the videos where the young girls were laying down with him and saying how much they wanted to be taken by him. He of course denies any sexual activities with them.

    Their website today expresses their feelings on the Matter: http://strongcity.info

  • Gregor

    He looks like Michael Palin. Does he sing the Lumberjack song to open the meeting?

  • Donnalilly

    Looks like Don Burney to me , sounds like him too.

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