Forum discussion on homosexuality by SDAs

by barry 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • barry

    I feel the pain of homosexual people after all who would decide to be one and be ostracised by religious people and society at large.

  • Junction-Guy

    Well surprsing or not, some people actually enjoy living alternative lifestlyes and feed on the persecution they receive. I think some of them actually get a kick thumbing their nose at society and traditional values.----but where have I seen this before????

  • barry

    half way down the page is links to the discussion that is also on youtube. sometimes the link I posted doesnt work.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I feel the pain of families and normal, moral, heterosexual, Christian people who are now villified if they dare say homosexuality is wrong in God's eyes. Now it's the queers who are favoured and glorified in the media and entertainment industry and everyone else is labelled backward, hateful, bigoted, ignorant, "homophobic" etc.

  • BFD
    Well surprsing or not, some people actually enjoy living alternative lifestlyes and feed on the persecution they receive. I think some of them actually get a kick thumbing their nose at society and traditional values.----but where have I seen this before????

    Why don't you get over yourself already? JG, you are really an asshole. Go suck some dick instead of pulling off thinking about it. The gloves are off.


  • BFD
    feel the pain of families and normal, moral, heterosexual, Christian people who are now villified if they dare say homosexuality is wrong in God's eyes. Now it's the queers who are favoured and glorified in the media and entertainment industry and everyone else is labelled backward, hateful, bigoted, ignorant, "homophobic" etc.

    Sounds like you want a piece, too.


  • WTWizard

    I think we should, as a society, lump these "minority" rights to one concept--individual rights. That way, no one would be left out because of being white, male, of average age, straight, and having no disability.

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