I know the Borg is at the forefront on everything, and I was recently at a wedding & can't remember if the borg made an appearance during the vows. Can anyone help me out?
by kzjw 3 Replies latest jw friends
I know the Borg is at the forefront on everything, and I was recently at a wedding & can't remember if the borg made an appearance during the vows. Can anyone help me out?
I don't know if they mentioned the organisation but they definately mention Jehovah. Plus most use that illustration of "three cords being stronger than two" I'm quite happy I didn't get married in the organisation.
I was married in 1990 and the borg was not in the vows, but it was mentioned in the talk. I have not attended a wedding in more than 15 years, so I can't say if it is in any of the newer ones.
these are the vows that I have heard
“I —— take you —— to be my wedded (wife/husband), to love and to cherish (Bride: and deeply respect) in accordance with the divine law as set forth in the Holy Scriptures for Christian (wives/husbands), for as long as we both shall live together on earth according to God’s marital arrangement.”