I've noticed a couple of times this year in the new study edition of the WT that they really downplay the influence of apostates, saying things like "it's rare that they have much influence" or something to that effect. I wonder if they really believe that or if they're trying to make themselves feel better. Or maybe it's a tactic to influence the sheep away from the "evil slave". I don't know but I think the internet is causing way more damage than they're 'fessing up to.
No respect
by JimmyPage 5 Replies latest jw friends
Jimmy: The internet has overtaken the Watchtower. Why would they even mention it if it was not a huge problem for the WT. I would think the comments that you say have been mentioned in the publications are stirring up folks to look into what is out here in the way of information, Information that makes sense.
My best guess is that it is because any witless that obeys the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is not going to read apostate material or view apostate videos, listen to apostates, or otherwise get any ideas from outside sources. If you don't give the stuff half a chance, you will never know there is truth beyond the "truth". And thus it cannot have any effect.
However, once they do read it (assuming they have half a brain), they are going to be affected. Once you view apostate material, it is like the lights being turned on. And it is impossible to go back to the darkness once you accept such light.
Mickey mouse
I've noticed a couple of times this year in the new study edition of the WT that they really downplay the influence of apostates, saying things like "it's rare that they have much influence" or something to that effect.
Yep, there was a sentence in the study WT a couple of weeks back that referred to "in the rare instance that apostasy occurs". They are really keen to push immorality as the #1 cause of people exiting but when you take into account all the faders, apostasy has to be the biggest reason. If you think about it, it's in their interest for the r&f to believe very few leave for that reason. It may start alarm bells ringing. Better to suggest a personal moral weakness than even the possibility of errant doctrine.
Darnit we work hard here! No credit where credit is due!
I think it is interesting to see how many jws comment on videos made by apostates or disfellowshipped people. I have always assumed they were young people, but recently I've even seen someone claiming to be an elder commenting on a video made by a woman who da'd herself.