Hi everyone. It Thanks you all for the great info you posted for me yesterday. It has been very helpful. I will not talk to my parents right now. I need to get some financial independence first. I am almost sure about something: It will be very difficult to make them think. they add up for almost 80 years in the "truth" together, and maybe they will never change their minds. I am very inside right now, I am MS, and some brothers, including the CO are telling me that I should go to the MTS, and I am also in other activities. I am in my twenties, and I have lose a lot of opportunities for being a JW, but it will not happen anymore. I will post later, Philosopher
It´s me Philosopher
by philosopher 9 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Philosopher,
I did not read all of the replies on your other thread so I don't know if someone suggested what I am going to suggest.
I am 51 and just finishing two advanced degrees (in fact studying for my last finals right now). The education I've undertaken over the last 9 years has been fantastic-- just wish I had done it earlier (when I was in my 20s and 30s the Dub prohibition on education was pretty intense). As soon as I bailed from the BORG I went back to school. Take full advantage of your youth and get as much education as you possibly can.
All the best and good luck,
Mickey mouse
Hi, that sounds like an excellent plan for your situation. Also agree with the pp about education.
From what I've read here, those who are in a big hurry to get out or get their family out end up causing themselves and their family even more pain.
I totally agree with "Mickey Mouse" above...
Sounds like you are on the right track...
drew sagan
Putting off speaking to them is a very good decision. I encourage you to reach as much as you can in the meantime. Knowledge is power! Use the power of your local library, its waiting for you. If you didn't know already, here are some books I think can help you alot:
Crisis of Conscience
The Gentile Times Reconsidered
When Time Shall Be No More
The Sign of the Last Days, When?
In Search of Christian Freedom
War in Heaven, Heaven on Earth
It could take up to a year or more just to read those books, but I can't suggest doing so enough before you begin to even attempt speaking with your paretns. The more you read the more you will think and contemplate all of the various factors that are going on in the Watchtower. I also cannot stress enough how good the book War in Heaven, Heaven on Earth is. That book is fantastic is dissecting Apocalyptic religions and movements. JWs are only mentioned in the book once and it is very brief. It may be something you can have and not get in trouble with while you are at home.
On that note I leave you with a nifty riddle written by J.R.R. Tolkien:This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town
And beats high mountain down. -
You are still very young, you have your life ahead of you. Start forming a plan and follow through.
I'ts not to late to apply to college or technical school for the fall semester. Talk to a counselor at a college and get some ideas about financing (loans, grants, etc). Never mind the Society's new kick about the horrors of paying for education. It's worth every penny.
We are all behind you,
changeling :)
Hi Philospher,
Glad you are here! And glad you made the decision of taking it easy and becoming financially independent of your family. Please, be aware, that the more you read and learn the harder it is to keep your peace. This is not to say you should not acquire more info and perception on topics of your interest, but just be aware of what to say and when. I still go to meeting on Sundays but hardly any meeting passes without cringing in my seat. As a matter of fact, I just finished a nice meal with an elder in a restaurant and on certain things I had to bite my tongue. Loads of elders do dissent but try to solve everything within the confines of "Jehovah's arrangement" (which will eventually not come to pass). Nevertheless, I was able to discuss some out of the box positions.
But it all depends on the extend of liberalism of the person who you're talking to. And sometimes you get disappointed in that expectation. And then it may start to hurt. So, I wish you bonne chance and keep in touch with us. This is a perfect place to vent!
Borgia -
Good for you! I'm a former teen mom who deferred her education to raise two children. I live with no regrets, and I am a firm believer that it's never too late to start fresh. You might want to draft for yourself a long-term plan to pull out of your current activities. Just drop one at a time. If you get pressure, try being a little unreliable, like call in sick the day you are scheduled for a public talk. You'll slowly move in to the "bad association" category and they will stop recommending you to all that extra stuff.
phil....go to your room....he he....you young apostate wannabe whippersnapper.....wow...you try typing that phrase out when you've been drinking.....welcome to the board sir....and welcome to the rest of your life......da ninja
Hi philosopher its not to late for you to turn your life around at all.
I left the JWs in my mid twenties, but due to circumstance, divorce, etc. i started partying too hard. Mainly because i could, i felt no one is now going to tell me what to do and wanted to relive my youth i felt i'd lost. I may sound like an old man for saying this, but don't fall into that trap. Eventually i realised i had a problem with drink and drugs, so decided to do something about it and turn my life around.
At the age of 38 i have decided to go to university, i dropped out in my twenties due to the partying, so now feel that i've now took another step forwards. Its never too late and if your in your twenties you have a lot of living to do.
Feel free to PM me anytime.