The past weeks I have felt this overwhelming need to write my sister, Her family has gone through an ordeal of pedophile issues over there daughter. The culprit
was an elders son and it was covered up well by the whole body. This deviant had gone from congregation to congregation and his father (elder) was aware of this.
Long story short to start here, after numerous correspondence with the society, letters, calls, police investigation, all but two elders were removed from their
congregation of 7.
They pulled away from the local congregation, can you blame them it was very tragic. But I feel that I did not support her enough about what they went
through, it is only from being here on this board has it truly knifed me in the heart toward what devastating emotional hurt and trauma many of you have been through.
So I would like to send with my heartfelt letter to my dear sister, info regarding the law suit payouts, cover ups , striking articles to tell her I am sorry, and I
have since learned these things about the Wt and now have a better understanding of what you really needed from me.
If there are points that helped you that I may incorporated these into my letter I would gladly appreciate your thoughts. Of course I will need to be somewhat
careful of how I word things as they will be in print.
Thanks All