Hey guys,
Well, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Olivia and I am Thechickennest's daughter. Thank you so much for all of the great replys. I wasn't interested in this site at all, I would see my father on it and thought he was living in the past. I thought that our whole family unit was free of our past religion. It is something that I had thought was part of our past, but now I am realizing that is part of the present and our future. It is something that took everything. I was young when I was being brought into the religion but it has had major effects on me. I grew up fearing God. It wasn't until we moved back to my dad's home town did I start loving God. I can truely value my relationship with God because of what my family has been through. I have a relationship with God that many young adults my age don't have because of my past. It is something that I have had to personally overcome at a young age. There is a true strength that my family will always have because we know what it is like to function with the bare minimum. I hope to carry this strength with me into all of the aspects of my life. This struggle that I have had to watch my parents over come is not something that will tear us apart, like it has with the rest of our extended family, but will bring us closer. Now that I can understand this site I am very glad my dad found it. This past that I'm talking about I know many of you can relate too. I know that mine is very limited but I have grown so much from it. You truely can't value what you have until you have lost it all. I'm glad I have learned this lesson before I try to enter the real world and again thank you again for all of your support.