an armored life

by chickpea 4 Replies latest social family

  • chickpea

    an amazing concept!!!

    all mothers are daughters

    i heard that on public radio
    when they were doing a thing
    for mother's day

    my own maternal unit
    is deceased..
    a decade or better....

    she was....
    for all of my life
    with her

    so, when the host
    of the radio program
    asked for callers
    to tell what their mothers
    has taught them about life

    amid the tales and tellings
    of lovely sentimental remembrance
    i tried to see if i could conjure
    something of substance as an
    adult child of an alcoholic...

    and i could!!

    of course it was not a cheery
    or optimistic or fond recollection....
    those rare interludes
    are not what taught me anything...
    maybe because they were few,
    maybe because they were foreign,
    or suspicious or insincere

    the lesson i cling to
    when reflecting on
    what my mother taught me
    was how to live... not by example
    but by contrast...

    she was bitter
    and brittle
    and wore her disappointments
    like ceremonial garb....
    she clung to her misery
    with a tenacious and self-pitying
    grasp that allowed her to swing
    her pain like a battle-axe
    thru the lives of anyone
    who was in proximal range

    none escaped unscathed...
    some did not escape at all

    i learned from her
    that an armored life
    is not a protection

    it is a prison

    and she died
    holding the key
    in her hand

    for good or for ill... that is what i learned
    and i will always be grateful c/p

  • choosing life
    choosing life


    Sorry there were not more happy times for your mother and you. Learning from bitter experiences can be a very effective teaching experience. I hope you have learned to be free and happy and passed this on to those you love. Best wishes, choosing life.

  • GoingGoingGone
    i learned from her
    that an armored life
    is not a protection

    it is a prison

    and she died
    holding the key
    in her hand

    Wow... I love this part. It is so true. And I think that many of us live an armored life for any number of reasons. Afraid to let others in, because we are afraid of being hurt, again. But holding people at arms length is no way to live.

    Thanks for posting this!


  • caliber

    Thank you for sharing these painful thoughts.But when we can put thoughts & feelings to paper there is healing

    just the same ! Such a wonderful positive thought that of learning from contrast rather than example. I am sure

    that your heart has become wise, and is made of pure gold ( again by contrast )

    May you have peace & comfort to match your deep wisdom & understanding.


  • chickpea

    i certainly did not intend to intimate that there is a lingering saddness or a void in my life because of who my mother was and how her life played out......

    i learned well the lessons and in spite of heartbreaking and life shattering events in my owm life and the lives of my children, i find it to be in my best interest, and in the best interest of those i love, to embrace the life that is, rather than yearn for the one that never came about.....

    i once told my older daughter, who has several mental health diagnosis, that she can take the problems in her life, wield them like a stake and plunge them thru her own foot in order to spend her life marching around them..... and for all the angst and agonized labor, all she will have accomplished is a rut deep enough to hang a poster in.....

    bitter and brittle is not my style..... i may not be "happy" all the time, but i never fail to acknowledge the places in my life where the scales tip the balance on the side of joy.... and they are numerous

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