The wind outside was wicked when I turned on my computer. Reports of tornadoes all through the country today. Then I got on the evil JWD site. Surely things got worse and a tornado came and blew me away for my heresy right? Nope, strangely enough the wind died down and life went on. How can this be?
Apostasy rewarded
by JimmyPage 6 Replies latest jw friends
I bet you will never see that experience in the Yearbook or in a washtowel magazine.
A great little psychological description !
If a tornado had come down and ripped you away from your screen, that would have been divine vengeance. But since that didn't happen, it's obvious that Satan is trying to lull you into a false sense of security.
Why aren't you out in service?
JIMMY PAGE- The winds are calming and soothing here on JWD my friend. Much like your wonderful guitar playing on Led Zeppelin ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Homerovah the Almighty
This could be a sigh that JWD is in fact God inspired, let us bow are heads in prayer and give thanks, we say this in Jesus's name..... Amen
Wait a minute I've been told that Jesus is getting down at a discotheque right now, lets try again in a hour or so !
It's been many moons since I thought like that.