my momma

by IP_SEC 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    Sweet tough lady.

    She lived for years under my father's abusive thumb for us kids. She apologized after he died for not being strong enough to take us away. Im glad she didnt take us away.

    As a teen I could talk to her about anything. I knew she would not fly off the handle. She might be disappointed in me, but never harsh. She is not afraid to speak her mind. Sometimes blunt, always right.

    When I DA'd I went to her. Told her everything. She listened with tears, but did not judge me. She told me she would never shun me no matter what. She lived up to that. She is remarried now. Still goes to meetings and whatnot, but I can still call her any time I want.

    Love rules her. Im lucky.

    Thank you momma.

  • Alpaca

    You are very lucky, IP.

    My Mom is gone now, but she was one miserable bitch. She would go for periods of 6, 8, 10 years without talking to me.

    On the other hand, her mother (my Grandmother) was the best damn Grandma in the whole world and that more than made up for it.

    Happy Mother's Day to all of you great Moms out there.



  • cognac

    Awww, she sounds like a great mom...

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    You have a gem there IP_SEC. My momma is gone now, but I do have a good step mom who does not shun me for the stand I've taken, and is there to support me in whatever way she can. There are some out there that listen to their heart and love their children unconditionally.


  • Quandry

    IP_SEC What wonderful words for your mom. I hope you put them down on a card for her or call her and tell her.

    Alpaca-Wow! Was this because of the JWs? I cannot, as a mother, imagine this behaviour. At any rate, you seem well adjusted now. Glad you had your grandmother.

    My daughter is twenty, and got me a beautiful hydreangea bush for the garden and candy, and made my card herself....I feel blessed. The WTS df'd my daughter at 16 as though she had no value, all for silly teen things that were nothing near as bad as I did as a teen. B#$^&@*$

  • free2think

    She sounds like a sweetheart IP, im so glad you have her.

    Happy Mother's Day IP's Mum

  • IP_SEC

    Yep she is sweet and im lucky. When i called her today she was parking at the assembly hall lol

  • CoonDawg

    Sounds like some wonderful moms out there. I had my Mom (and dad) come over to the house yesterday to swim in our pool. Afterwards, my wife and I had made a couple of white florentine lasagnas, so we had a wonderfull dinner and wine by the pool followed by a mango - key lime pie.

    It was a wonderful afternoon. I love my mom. She's never shunned me, despite my fade and she knows she can count on me to be there for her wether her witless friends are or not...this in spite of my non-witness behavior, including taking some cigars over to smoke with my dad while she and my wife were at the hall the other night.

    Happy mother's day to all you moms.

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