Yes the Tsunami killed 250,000 and now afew years later Approx. 140,000 dead in Burma....will people understand that this was all needed to prove we needed Jehovah's rule in our lives? He allowed this to prove a point.....not to mention the ethnic cleansing in Burma which killed just as many. I love the Tsunami Witness "God saved me" stories because I was at the convention....and the Mosque on the net in INDONESIA that was not washed away....while 200,000 drowned!
Jehovah allowed 140,000 dead in Burma will they understand it was needed??
by Witness 007 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Of course they'll understand this! When they see how a dozen Witnesses can chop up a fallen tree and replace the roof on a Kingdom Hall while the Burmese army look on in awe, they will have to know this is the true religion.
they can't see the flip side of the coin, why would a god of love allow that?
oh yeah, universal sovereignty....but let's not get started on the idiocy of that theory since it's been properly debated here before.
The tsunami was something which finally confirmed to me that I didn't believe in god. The ensuing stories and TV pictures just made me so sad & it somehow reaffirmed that I could not be close to a god who allows this kind of misery for ANY reason. A kind & loving father does not sit back and watch as his children suffer. I act when I feel my kids are in danger - immediately! I do ANYTHING to stop bad things happening to them. 'God' doesn't. Comparing god to a loving, caring father is an insult to all good parents.
89% of the population in Burma/Myanmar adheres to the Buddhist religion, which (as I understand it) teaches that life is suffering. They also don't have the same attachment to a personal God that Christians and Moslems do.
IN my estimation, believers in a personal God that loves/cares for mankind cannot properly explain the preponderance of suffering and evil on planet earth.
burmese lessons will be offered during the few years of the new earth to allow the millions of resurrected burmese to be taught the truth. gee i'm a tree Joel
Witness 007
And now China! there a God who cares...I say no!