Worth a quick read-
A woman of courage dies
by carla 8 Replies latest jw friends
I submit there are many more like her, else Satan would have won.
The Lone Ranger
There are many acts of bravery that we will never hear of.
During wars, tragedies and disasters’ humans are capably of such bravery and courage towards other humans, and yet these brave ones can be humble and quite people, men, women, young or old.
Its the nicer side of humans that we don’t heard enough of.
It’s the boastful that usually end up being the cowards.
What a selfless and courageous lady.
Wouldn't it be nice if every newscast ended with a story of a regular person doing random acts of kindness or heroism? (even if the 'hero' doesn't think they are a hero)
May she rest in peace.
Irena Sendler.... May You Rest in Peace...
What a brave, brave Lady. It took alot of courage to do what she did.
Broken arma and legs in the woods. I have three breaks in my lower leg, I screamed in my sleep for several days. I cannot imagine the pain she was in.
Thank you Carla that was a very inspirational story. I wish we had more people with that kind of conviction.